Monday 11 November 2013

Day 128

Day 128;

So on this day the 10th of November I have gone to the remembrance Sunday event, which is held at the war memorial every year to commemorate the dead.

Commemorating the dead is one thing that I'm happy to do but what I'm not happy about was the parts when the person that was leading the service started doing his entire God talk shenanigans that just put my nose out of joint., I mean this as the idiom as in I was offended by his action of praying in front of everyone expecting all present to join in with hi, with his bleating. to a non-existent sky father figure. That either is non-existent or doesn't care about us, I state this as the preacher always says the same kind of thing about peace and thanking “his holiness” for the peace that he has engrained within all of us, which honestly isn't much towards outsiders, but if you live within their community your free.

So why did you go?

I don’t actually know, but it was silent apart from the dogs barking, the old man bleating, the other veterans talking of old times, the babies whining, the sounds of distant toad traffic, air traffic overhead and the sounds of The Last Post, see below.

But listening to that tune sent me back to a year when I was more able bodied so pre 2008 and before July of 2007 so it probably was 2006 one Sunday in November, when it was another one of these Remembrance days when the school’s (that I went to) brass band, and I was a part of it as well at this point, went to it to play at it. But obliviously I was the worse player of a brass instrument in the group.

Obliviously, why obliviously? Have potentially any of your readers ever heard you play your trumpet?

It’s one of these /\ I'm typing about.

Most likely not and if they had it’d have been s very long time ago and more than likely not me actually playing as the only times that I played it solo was at home or in orchestra if there was multiple trumpet parts like 1,2 and 3, I would get the 3rd as part one is the most difficult part 2 would be the second most difficult and the part 3 would be the easiest, As the part 3 usually consisted of the most boring parts but I was fine with that as I failed my grade 1 exam, so what if when I got a new instrument teacher I passes my grade 2 exam, I still failed my grade 1 exam the first instrument teacher that I had left from teaching at the school that I was learning it at so did the second teacher but it was after 2007 that my second instrument teacher left the school. I haven’t been taught how to play the trumpet since the accident as you need to get a lip seal in order to play a trumpet and that is one more thing that I cannot do, any more but I did create a mock radio show when I could still speak which has got me hosting a pod cast with Alice as my co-host when Alice was last playing it I thought it was 2 girls hosting a pod cast but it was me a male/me I know as I have got a penis and balls as genitalia.

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