Wednesday 20 November 2013

Day 137

Day 137;

Sorry about the checklist it was just within your (Red’s) diatribe from yesterday.

You mean the one about brains in vats?

Yes that’s the one, I was just wondering how much of that was plagiarised from The Matrix?

None intentionally, plus in The Matrix left your whole body intact while the computers harvested and ran off of the brains electrical energy and all of the other things that are different.

Ok, I understand that subtle irony.  What you were on about=

Brain in a Vat

What The Matrix is =

The Matrix pod people

It gave you a good excuse to actually watch The Matrix, only 14 years late.

but I thought we watched it in maths class all those years ago.

Did I? But then I’d only remember it vaguely but it wouldn't, no it couldn't, have been the complete film, as maths lesson only lasted 60 minutes.

Ok then, we have it agreed, if I had seen it before then It'd have been a number of years ago something in the order of 7 years ago and even if I did it'd have only been the first 50 minutes, or so, of it.

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