Tuesday 5 November 2013

Day 122

Day 122;

Well if it isn’t day 122 already, and what did I state yesterday about my mending of my ways from doing a bit on Sikhs yesterday?

Oh that was it “I must rectify that for the future” which means that I could complete it on a future day which means what I said. First I decided to do something which could be classed as slightly offensive to Muslims, as I decided to read up on the supposed contradictions which were in the video that I showed, potentially, you people yesterday within my post thank you again Asea/Moses adopted mother according to the Qur’an.

Why may it be offensive to Muslim readers of this blog?

It isn’t intended to be but it includes me checking some of the passages of the Islamic holly book which I know could be offensive to some.

Why do you always include the two words ‘Thank you’ within your responses to the religious that have posted on your blog?

Well for 2 reasons one of my first is that in my first responses to an Islamic webpage I think the first comment that I revived from anyone on it read “Thank you” before they proceeded in the unenviable task of defending their, belief held without any evidence to back it up/faith  as only the followers of Islam have actually been willing to enter into a polite or otherwise exchange of ideas with me, at least since I can remember, the second is that I may as well be polite to them before I tear apart their religion, metaphorically of course, if you’re wanting to say that I do that of which I do not believe that I do and finally it is as my way of negating the enmity that may arise from discussing these to some people big red button topics, by the big red button topics I mean topics that some of my friends, well one and a sister, have warned me to stay away from, as a lot of people have a kind of vested interest in the stuff that they believe in without any reliable evidence.

Now I should say that’s enough of your unsolicited religious shenanigan type.

Oh is it?


Ok, I’m sorry for my uncalled for outburst into religious shenanigans,

But what else have I done today? Now I can’t actually remember but I think part of what happened to me today comes from the word boggled.

I know it came from today when Alice decided to get all “deep” and she started saying that names for colours were created by humans so a day in the future an alien from outer space could some day come to earth and say that we’ve gotten all of the names of the colours wrong and then I gave her an example of an “alien” to us anyway of saying the colour green = verde in Spanish. but it wouldn’t change a thing unless the alien race wanted all of us to conform to their new language. A bit similar to the Romans that wanted all of the provinces that it conquered to worship the same gods as them which is probably one of the reasons why they were a mighty military force but in the end they only managed to conquer a much smaller empire than the Mongols but the empire lasted much longer.

But because the Romans had concurred their empire and they had planted their polytheistic religion, while they had it/before Catholicism came along and spread like wild fire throughout the empire, which is most likely one of the reasons why Christianity has such a prominent foothold in Europe/where the Roman Empire was.


Come on can't I get a pass on the last bit as it was one of the reasons why the Roman Empire didn't concur as much of the world as they would have done if they were more like the Mongol's. 

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