Thursday 28 November 2013

Day 145

Day 145;

So today has been day 145 and I have also been to the gym today.

Today’s gym session was fun, my right arm was able to hold on better than it has on all of the gym sessions since my last bo-tox injections. It was as the gym session was strange only as it didn't start off like they usually do, which was that I usually start off by spending the first so many minutes on the treadmill, but instead today I used the Cross Trainer first, for 10 minutes. It was interesting as every so many minutes my arm didn’t go off on a wander for the time that I was on the Cross Trainer my right arm actually performed decently today. But my right arms wrist wasn't acting properly as my left wrist looks more like this 1 and my right wrist looks like this / .

But what else have I done today? Nothing that I wanted to get done like watch series 3 of Doctor Who but I have just managed to get to the first episode with the weeping Angels within, the one with the sparrow and the nightingale. But the weeping Angels have taken a more central role within the Doctors myth within more recent series’.

But I should just insert my check-list just in case I forget to do any of the things on the list and to put the two things onto the list that I have been attempting to do for quite some time.

Date of completion
Complete my YouTube project episode 1.

Complete my response to more Religious shenanigans (Islam- Asea).

Complete my story “Tell me lies...?” which I made the prelude of all the way back in 2011 Click here to view first draft (for the second draft just look down this article).

Complete writing My Sci-fi Book of which I thus far only got the first chapter which can be viewed by clicking here.

Finish all of the rest of the stories that I have only wrote part of.

Type up my personal guide to surviving a zombie apocalypse.

Get a better score than my previous high score of two on the planet rock anorak quiz.

Complete the first issue of The Savage Acts; my endeavour into the comic book world (not its full name).

Complete my life (Die, again?)

Complete my watch through of the Doctor Who Series’ fortunately there has only been 9 of these so far including the 1 specials series for the tenth (eleventh) and the new television film which came out last Saturday.

Complete my watch through of the Doctor Who Seasons well I've got 26 of these to watch though.and then the film of Doctor 8

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