Wednesday 23 January 2013

Mi Sci-fi Book; Chapter 1- Arranged Marriage

The Experience that followed I found exceedingly pleasurable, but it was also sad especially as I had waited the majority of my adult life for that experience but when it was over I didn’t know what to do but it was about to get easier.

As the girl that was lying on top of me, Sally Mayo’s folks is about to pay a visit to her apartment, and her folks are Islamists they would have a fit that she’s removed her Burka, even though they should allow her time in her apartment without it on, but they say she should keep it on unless she is in her bedroom as they believe that within her main apartment it counts as out in public as she shares it with others. But with knowledge of what she has just done with me, an Atheist, in the kitchen I wouldn’t be thinking that I could have any more experiences like that again certainly not with Sally.

As I was almost passed out on the floor with the naked body of Sally on top of mine lying there in an almost unconscious state. The front door of the apartment knocked and one of Sally’s flatmates ran to the door, the knocking startled us and Sally bolted up right as we heard her flatmate say “Hello, Mr and Mrs Mayo, Sally is upstairs making herself presentable. If you wouldn’t mind waiting in the living room I could fetch you some cups of Tea, Coffee anything that we have drink wise?” Mr and Mrs Mayo declined the offer and they moved into the living room then the girl that has greeted Sally’s parents left the living room and moved into the kitchen.

Meanwhile Sally moved off of me whilst stealing one final kiss and then whispering to me “thanks”, I wanted to say to her that it was I that should be doing the thanking but she had already moved off of me by that time. She was getting her underwear on as I was still attempting to find my feet, as the condom dropped off my penis. Then I found my feet in exactly the same place that I had them the last time that I checked, they were on the end of my legs, as I found them I first got myself to my feet and I was looking around for my boxer shorts, At that moment Sally’s friend walked into the kitchen.

Sally’s friend stopped in fright as she noted my naked body, she would have screamed if sally wasn’t already there, beside the door, to stop her. By this time Sally was almost dressed with only her burka to put on her hair was a long dark brown/black mass of threads.
I had finally got my boxer shorts on and I collected up my items from the floor, including my used condom, and I ran out the back of apartment, Sally removed her hand from Michelle’s mouth and Michelle let out a screech, then Sally’s father came to investigate.

First Michelle spoke “a mmm...”

“Mouse” Sally finished off and gave Michelle an evil look.

Michelle stopped speaking when Sally administered the look.

“Sally, so here you are,” Sally’s father cut in, “Your Mother and I have got some very exciting news for you”.

“O...K, what is it?”

“We’ve found you a husband.” said her mother,

Sally and Michelle exchanged worried looks,

“How great” Sally lied through gritted teeth, “so when will I meet my husband to be?”

“Now he’s in my car I parked it around the back” as he said that she gulped,

‘Didn’t I let my Steven out that way?’ she thought worriedly,

Sally’s father walked out of the back, door and he beckoned for Sally to join him. Sally walked
towards her father half wondering what her father was staring at the other half of her thought it’d more likely it would be me, Steven, probably still attempting to make myself look respectable.

But no what it really was another group of our friends; Robert, Peter and Dan. They were doing the usual type of things to each other that they did, and Sally didn’t mind them but her father did.

“What in Allah’s Name are they doing?” Sally’s father said to Sally.

“They look to me to be having a very good time.” Sally responded,

“This is just sickening, I can’t wait until the ceremony then we can got back to civilization”
Sally looked around for me but she couldn’t see me anywhere.

Sally’s father walked passed our friends and Sally followed, Sally turned around just after she had walked past our friends and there I was sitting, so I waved her off she smirked as I still wasn’t fully dressed. Through the trees at the bottom of the communal garden was her father’s car parked.

“Sally what are you smirking at” Spoke a women from Sally’s apartment.

‘Darn my mother’ Sally thought and then said “it’s nothing but a private little joke”

“Hurry up the both of you” shouted her father from the car.

Then both of them rushed off to meet Sally’s fiancĂ©.

‘Is that what I am’ I thought to myself ‘am I really nothing but a private little joke, or was Sally just saying that?’

I mused with the idea that I was just a little joke for a couple of hours after they had gone.
I expressed my gratitude towards Robert, Peter and Dan and they stated that if I wanted I could join up with the three of them as they liked my body, but I don’t get why, as it’s not like I am one of those body builders. I am just a regular Guy of the later end of the 22nd century my body fits in the status quo aka I’m not obese irrespective of the amount of junk I eat. I used to get complaints from my younger sister, Alex, about how unfair it was that I could eat all that I wanted and I never seemed to put on weight.

I am living within Mars colony 1.008 as I was swapping the muddy earth below our feet for the rusty plains of Mars and just that isn’t all the gravity of the situation is somewhat better/worse than earth, depends on how much you use gravity, as on earth you have more gravity pushing you towards it than on Mars, so you’d be 2.635408 times lighter approximately than you’d feel on earth. 

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