Friday 1 November 2013

Thank you Asea Siddiqui (a bit more of religious shenanigans)

However, please note that Muslims do not worship Prophet Mohammad, we worship Allah. Prophet Mohammad, along with Jesus Christ are merely messengers of Allah sent for the purpose of giving messages about Allah's commands.

For your information I know that you all say that you don’t worship your Muhammad dude/man/fallible human person that heard a whispering in his ear one day and started writing it down and just because he lived at a time when new myths were being propagated as fact like the some of the Christian ones, and some of your ones had Jesus in also but only as a messenger of God/Allah not as the son of God, so therefore you’re thinking that you can get off worshipping the way that your “Prophet Muhammad” told to just because he claimed to hear voices like a mad man, or he was contacted by some other means which you probably could come up with using your own common sense if you had the same motivation, the motivation that I am on about here doesn't have anything to do with any kind of super natural force/divine components. And by the way what’s the difference between worshipping the mad man or the book that he wrote? But then you’ll probably be saying that it’s not the book that your worshipping but the god that the book describes, all I am going to state is if a mad man wrote a book, 1 would you get it, 2 would you subscribe to the philosophy of the author. Probably not so why do you take a book by an author from so long ago it may have well been written by the Romans to hopefully one day co-opt everyone on the eastern fringes of the world into they’re Christianity which could be why your Qur’an has got some explicit mentions of Jesus Christ.

We respect every Prophet who has come into this world including Moses, Noah, Adam, abd etc. But that is about it. Worshipping a human being is out of the question.

But how do you know that all of these people are 1 real and 2 worthy of your respect? As I am unsure of the people that you called Abd but I’m guessing that you mean the Moses that was sent down the river in a box to the pharaoh’s wife that choose to save the child like it says here on the BBC. But I would like to state that no queen of Ancient Egypt would say thank god (singular) they would either say thank the Gods or thank Isis (the god of motherhood) she was also the sister and wife to the god Osiris/the god of the dead. Noah from the ark I used to enjoy listening to have it read to me at school just thing about it some primitive men building a boat that’s smaller than the titanic, but it was supposed  to fit all of those animals inside of it; or have I got the wrong Noah. Adam wasn't he one of the two people the perpetrated the original sin concept according to bible anyway, anyway what about Eve doesn't she deserve a special mention.


  1. Firstly, Prophet Mohammad was not educated, he could not write. So, therefore he never wrote the Quran. A distinguished and knowledgeable person such as yourself should at least have this knowledge.

    Lady Asea, my namesake, was queen who picked Moses out of the river and named him Moses, which is termed Moosa in Arabic. It means "the one found in water".

    Now, since Prophet Mohammad did not write the Quran, we aren't worshipping him
    The "mad man" as you term him, spoke a language called Arabic and transcribed it to the tribe he was in. The educated people there wrote it down and it was later, after the Prophet's death, bound in the book you see today.

    Til now, none of the logics presented in this world has proven it wrong or has changed it.

    The mention of Jesus, or Isa as we call him, and Mary (Mariam) is obviously present in the Quran. Why? Well, I did say we accept him as our Prophet. Therefore, the Quran is the amalgamation of all the "mad men" book into one book intended for the entire world.

    The Christians, and Jews are our book cousins since they are mentioned in Quran.

    Please note another information. The Bible mentioned that Prophet Mohammad would come. Also, the Hindu scripture Vedh, mentioned the similar thing. Now, if a book of a Hindu religion mentioned this, then were there so many mad men? Or is there indeed Allah?

    I, of course, will support Allah. My faith lies with my religion.

    1. Thank you again for responding to my post Lady Asea but you are pretty much real, aren't you.

      Please copy and past the bellow link into your address bar to get to my response to your statements.
