Saturday 30 November 2013

Day 147

Day 147;

“Information you’re all going to die.” quote from the hosts from Doctor Who episode the Voyage of the Damned.

The former information was correct for everyone no matter what your circumstances are at the moment, it’s true for all who has ever been alive.

What’s true?

What is true is the fact that if you were ever born therefore you are going to die, one day.  

But what about me, I was never born?

but you were, you were born from my mind, my madness, I just decided to give my madness it’s own “voice” so the public can view my thought process in fuller definition.

What about me?

you to yellow, but the reason why you started after Red was because I decided to put you in here was to put a more 3D conversation between me and the religious persons that may stumble across my blog.

What, so I’m not a part of your subconscious?

Well you’re the rubbish that some people have quite literally thrust upon me, but you just look nice, in my pictures, and you’re also a reminder to me of the pleasant theists that I have met, as I don’t actually hate you (nor anyone) but it’s some your opinions on some things that I hate.

Now I fear that I’m about to slip into some of those dreaded things again.


The dreaded things that can only be called Religious Shenanigans.

Oh good.

Ok, now here goes it’s time for some of more generic Shenanigans for now my response to Asea shall be another time,

Freedom to enquire about anything including about the texts that your faith is built on be them the Torah, a Bible, Qur’an or even the Vedas. But if I could tell you all now that Faith is not a virtue. faith is a term which should mean something similar to the word respect which should be a quality which is earned not just given blindly to the one that shouts loudest. For example two people A and B, A respects B’s privacy so that when A was taking photographs of they’re home to put it up for sale she didn’t tae the ones that had B in them to the estate agents.   B doesn’t respect A’s privacy so B just takes a dozen snaps (photographs) of the home then sends them all to the estate agent, even though six of them had A in them. 

Friday 29 November 2013

Day 146

Day 146;

What have you done today, that you were supposed to be doing?

Wow, you’ve finally worked out how to type it correctly.

Shut up, now I know for a fact that you wanted to put a double negative as well as how I was about to type it,

I know that I’m as flawed as you,, but that still doesn’t any right to write a sentence like  “What have you done today, not that you weren’t supposed to be doing?” as that enhance is easily confused, anyway what had I set myself to do?.

Oh yes it was the check-list that I had given myself to do which looked like this

Date of completion
Complete my YouTube project episode 1.

Complete my response to more Religious shenanigans (Islam- Asea).

Complete my story “Tell me lies...?” which I made the prelude of all the way back in 2011 Click here to view first draft (for the second draft just look down this article).

Complete writing My Sci-fi Book of which I thus far only got the first chapter which can be viewed by clicking here.

Finish all of the rest of the stories that I have only wrote part of.

Type up my personal guide to surviving a zombie apocalypse.

Get a better score than my previous high score of two on the planet rock anorak quiz.

Complete the first issue of The Savage Acts; my endeavour into the comic book world (not its full name).

Complete my life (Die, again?)

Complete my watch through of the Doctor Who Series’ fortunately there has only been 9 of these so far including the 1 specials series for the tenth (eleventh) and the new television film which came out last Saturday.
Of which I had up until 50th anniversary special only in 2D.
Complete my watch through of the Doctor Who Seasons well I've got 26 of these to watch though. then the film of Doctor 8

But I know that I have posted quite a bit about Doctor Who over the past day, which is because I am thinking that I have always, well as long as I have been alive, been interested in the concept of time, but more to the point of defying the seeming like laws of time. As best I could but I had a few experiences of deja view that I can remember from a time of plus 7 years ago.  So now I’m unsure if they are real memories or if they are just my mind on walkabouts with the faint memories I have of my ancient childhood, it probably only seems that old as my memory seems to have a lot missing from it since I got KO by that car, or those cars depends how big a deal you want to make of it, but from before that fateful day, I'm not meaning to romance it. but I’m thinking of it as one of those days that without I probably wouldn't be sitting here and typing al of this stuff down.

But I most probably would still like Doctor Who if I hadn’t though, as I had been watching the new Doctor Who incarnation since nine (Christopher) But now I’m unsure of when my first Doctor Who book arrived I know it was one with the seventh Doctor in and it was a soft cover book which I had picked up in WHSmiths on one Saturday morning, I'm thinking.

But I have always, from my memory, liked sci-fi be it Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek, Men In Black or even a little bit of X-files.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Day 145

Day 145;

So today has been day 145 and I have also been to the gym today.

Today’s gym session was fun, my right arm was able to hold on better than it has on all of the gym sessions since my last bo-tox injections. It was as the gym session was strange only as it didn't start off like they usually do, which was that I usually start off by spending the first so many minutes on the treadmill, but instead today I used the Cross Trainer first, for 10 minutes. It was interesting as every so many minutes my arm didn’t go off on a wander for the time that I was on the Cross Trainer my right arm actually performed decently today. But my right arms wrist wasn't acting properly as my left wrist looks more like this 1 and my right wrist looks like this / .

But what else have I done today? Nothing that I wanted to get done like watch series 3 of Doctor Who but I have just managed to get to the first episode with the weeping Angels within, the one with the sparrow and the nightingale. But the weeping Angels have taken a more central role within the Doctors myth within more recent series’.

But I should just insert my check-list just in case I forget to do any of the things on the list and to put the two things onto the list that I have been attempting to do for quite some time.

Date of completion
Complete my YouTube project episode 1.

Complete my response to more Religious shenanigans (Islam- Asea).

Complete my story “Tell me lies...?” which I made the prelude of all the way back in 2011 Click here to view first draft (for the second draft just look down this article).

Complete writing My Sci-fi Book of which I thus far only got the first chapter which can be viewed by clicking here.

Finish all of the rest of the stories that I have only wrote part of.

Type up my personal guide to surviving a zombie apocalypse.

Get a better score than my previous high score of two on the planet rock anorak quiz.

Complete the first issue of The Savage Acts; my endeavour into the comic book world (not its full name).

Complete my life (Die, again?)

Complete my watch through of the Doctor Who Series’ fortunately there has only been 9 of these so far including the 1 specials series for the tenth (eleventh) and the new television film which came out last Saturday.

Complete my watch through of the Doctor Who Seasons well I've got 26 of these to watch though.and then the film of Doctor 8

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Day 144

Day 144;

Today I received my new glasses/spectacles replacements I also watched Doctor Who the birth of the Cybermen within the parallel earth to the death of the Cybermen, well in actuality John's Cybusmen.

But I have realised that now the TimeLords have been discovered as alive by Matt Smiths incarnation of the Doctor. Which means travel between the alternate dimensions/to alternative realities has just got a lot easier. Because I would like quote the tenth (eleventh if you include the warrior) Doctor when he states that spiel about travel between the alternate realities being impossible, now but when the TimeLord's were still around you could.

Also today I got a relatively freak insight into Alice’s future homes idea. Well as I was about to state the freak insight into Alice’s home concept, her plan is for when she buys her own home is for it to have a small out building on the side of it, like an annex. An annex for me to live in as Alice is afraid of getting burgled which is one of Alice’s reasons for the hiring of me to live in an annex on the side of her new house wherever it is and my job would be to live in an annex of her house just to make sure that there no-one would even try to break into her home, however unlikely that eventuality would be.

I went to see a football match today the match was good but Les still complained about the bias of the referee. Which I cannot discount possibly as only one card was shown in the whole match due to bad, unruly, play. The only card shown in the game was for one of the players on the team that Les and I both support and the card wasn't undeserved but the problem was that what ever the opposition team did to the team that I support and they didn't get booked, not once in the game.

But the final score of the game was 3-1 to the team that I support, so I got a bit surprised by the performance of the team that I supported. As it was the first game of this season that the team of which I support have scored three goals in one game, and it was against a team that have won all five of the last five encounters, the score of their last encounter was a 5-1 drumming to the opposition team, I think. 

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Day 143

Day 143;

Today (yesterday) I decided to watch the Doctor Who television series that I intended to watch yesterday (two days ago).

I know what I have had a super lazy day today as I have been spending my day so far today watching the ninth Doctor’s series. I know I’m one series behind where I previously stated that I would be in my prior blogpost, so I should be able to get onto the Tennant Doctor.

But I have realised that from all previous accounts of the Dalek’s attack on Gallifrey the Dalek fleet actually burned. The TimeLord’s apparently also burned which makes sense in relation to the 50th anniversary episode. As the Doctor 8.5 (9)/John Hurt had to push a big red button to burn all of the Dalek’s but then that also means that all of the TimeLord’s would have died as well. This rings true within the context of the television programme “Doctor Who” well it does accept from the one episode “end of time”.

That Is aproximatly it for the discussions that I have had within my head today, well of them that I can remember at least/

Monday 25 November 2013

Day 142

Day 142;

But if you remember the episode of Doctor Who that was aired yesterday but you could have read about my dissatisfaction with it and that was actually of an episode that I actually liked.

As I enjoyed watching the fiftieth anniversary episode of Doctor Who immensely but the story of the episode doesn’t necessarily ring true with all else that we have learnt about the Doctor and his life story within the previous three Doctors/seven series’ and the specials series. But I know that “time is in flux” to quote the ninth Doctor (tenth if you include John Hurt as a Doctor).

But now I am about to type a bit more about the incident of my “death”. Before I get onto what I have done today (yesterday from your perspective). Now as I stated previously I was involved with an incident involving a car six years back along my own time line, well that’s enough about that (you could simply look back on a couple of days to find out). But I have more accurate details of the incident, which caused me a slight bit of head trauma of which I cannot remember. Well as Tina was telling the Doctors yesterday what actually happened to me in the incident was my let hand side got hit by the oncoming vehicle my head went through the front wind screen of the car, which in turn propelled me into the path of another vehicle, ambulance arrived and I was admitted to hospital with only two visible signs that anything had happened to me the first was I’ve forgotten but I should guess it was that I was unconscious and the other was my elbow was grazed.

Which wasn’t the exact story that I had previously heard and it makes less physics sense than the story that I had heard as the part that I am typing about; is the part that had me going through the widow and then getting propelled into the path of the next oncoming car, as in the first tale I heard it had me making contact with the cars windscreen/front window then I got propelled into the path of another car from that collision with the windscreen, I had next to no idea that I only had the appearances of two minor injuries at the time, nor was I sure of the seven weeks that I was in a coma for I would say that it only was one night that I had slept through but I am guessing that it was longer than the seven weeks that I was in a coma as I found myself awakening not in a hospital but instead in a rehab facility so I am guessing  that everyone that decided to talk to me while I was in hospital it wasn’t me that you were talking to but it was my subconscious. Which you could say was me in a sense but I wouldn’t, me when I’m in control of all of all of my faculties is a separate entity to that monster.

Now finally I have reached the point when I tell you all what I have done today (yesterday from the time that this goes live). I have gone to the Birmingham NEC (National Exhibition Centre), for a model train exhibition thing, the sign posts outside of the NEC only showed two attractions the train thing that I was going to and motorbike live thing you can easily guess which one was the most popular but I will give you a hint, not the one that I was there to see. That could be seen by all of the halls that the motor bikes got as it must have been 3 or 4 as when Mike and I arrived at the NEC we both had a look around the NEC building we found the hall that the model railway would be which only had one hall, then we walked around to scout out the eating places from outside of the hall in case we had to buy our lunches from out side of the hall, spoiler alert- we didn’t, so we were walking around outside of the hall that the exhibition that the two of us were going to which was in hall number 5 but in the top of the NEC where there was 3 of the other 4 halls all of them were saying motorbike’s live on the doors to them the other one I am not sure about. But I’d like to state my opinions as the nature of the gig, from my opinion, it was boring, well it would undoubtedly be more interesting to me if I was actually in trains and/or their models. But there was this really simple quiz to win an OO gauge railway layout which was on display the question was which gauge railway was the layout O or OO but I’m sorry but even I gassed it was OO after I overheard a child tell this other child the question without the 2 possible answers, and I had just picked it up today.

Sunday 24 November 2013

Day 141

Day 141;

On this day I have been to London, as a guinea pig/lab rat, but also it was the Day of the Doctor today, which is kind of weird as today as on that day I have been being looked at by six separate Doctors.

All of them attempting to work out what’s wrong with me, in front of a selection of Doctors or trainee Doctors, but they had a mallet to hit me with if they wanted to test my limbs for spasticity, which they found.

Side note I have a new Doctor Who plot hole as it can be expected with it being set over the whole of time and space in all of its infinite glory, I know the time in it’s common form of being expressed, is directly related to the star that we all are revolving around if I was to state that the very units of time measurement that we use is probably the only planer in our galaxy if not the universe to use it I could be correct e.g. our seconds could be worth 3/4 of a second on another planet a minute could be worth the equivalent to 80 seconds,  hours could be worth the equivalent to 50 minutes and then hours could be worth the equivalent to 100 minutes. As in human terms the length of time it takes Venus to rotate around its axis is a colossal 116 days 18 hours 0 minutes but if you were a inhabitant from earth and you went to Venus to live you’d have to get use to having a day that is 115 and a quarter days longer than what you’re used to, but just try getting that could you physically adapt yourself to survive, I don’t think I could and anyway what would you become as if you managed it surely no longer human? That is a planet that is closer to the star that we orbit so a year on that planet is worth 224.7 earth days.

Now it’s onto the plot hole in Doctor Who, which is if this new incident happened instead of Gallifrey falling back into the time war at the end of ten’s stint of being the Doctor then there is still the master out there somewhere in the universe and the tenth Doctor should still be alive as all of that stuff with between the Doctor, the Master and the High Counsel of the TimeLords of Gallifrey, didn’t happen as it couldn’t have happened as that whole turn of events never happened, then Wilfred would never have stepped inside of that glass cabinet forcing the doctors hand to save him therefore not triggering his regeneration cycle therefore Doctor ten should still be the Doctor but that also means that no more Amy Pond nor Rory the Roman, that at his last point in the story isn’t Roman and never was a Roman. But then River Song equals a non existent character and Doctor ten died in the library so then Doctor ten never makes it past the library and he then turns into Doctor eleven before meeting up with the Master and the high lords of Gallifrey but then that doesn’t happen nor should it have ever so the nightmare child is still locked up in his room, on Gallifrey.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Day 140

Day 140;

My weird brain, my brain is weird and I'm not meaning it as in it's a weird shape like a triangle, as I'm not really very knowledgeable on the shape of my brain. At a guess I would say that it was probably the same shape as yours.

Which should be something similar to the below brain. But mine is probably much smaller and messed up, quite considerably, but that is only what I suppose for acquiring brain damage..

Anyway back onto what I was about to type about my weird brain.

Well the small grey box thing in my head, and the brains within all of your heads, are like TARDIS’s as you can fit so much into it as the brain sees/hears everything that your eyes can see and ears can hear, and it stores it away within the deep crevasses of your brain which is why sometimes people say things that you didn’t realise that they were watching or listing to and you ask them about it and they say that they never realised that they were actually watching/listening to either it is how posthypnotic suggestion is supposed to work. But the problems I have with remembering stuff is that my brain put them all in places within my brain that are either in plain sight so therefore I’m looking straight through them, now that is  annoying. Or it divides them up so I when I look for one memory I get confused as when I’m reliving one memory it sometimes pops to another memory of quite different origins, often with years in-between.

Now typing of the TARDIS isn’t it the special Doctor who 50th anniversary special tonight? I am typing about the night that this post goes live not last night/this night from my current perspective else wise I’d have missed it. I was too busy watching Agents of Shield of which I think Agent Coulson has been reading some of my accounts of dying, as he spoke of his death if it in all of it’s 30 seconds of glory of him being dead he stated that he couldn’t remember anything that had happened to him for the months after being stabbed though the heart, it all just went black to him and his first memory from after he wasn’t in the hospital, he couldn’t remember going to the hospital which was similar to my account apart from not being stabbed through the heart as I was run over by a car. 

Death is a magical thing it sorts your priorities out.

Friday 22 November 2013

Day 139

Day 139;

So I have decided to work out a way to get people to live in cyber space like in the Matrix but it’s only a head set, and I've got my check-list finally later on in this post.

The Matrix/Inception/Doctor Who (Dream Lord) musings, I have included three instances of waking up to find you within the real world, or so it seems. My musings are if there was a machine that you could sit in, on or wear and it would be a link to a world in cyber space that looked similar to this world but it was peaceful no one ever got sick, everyone was nice to each other and you knew what you had to do so you did it much like a computer and it’s parts, I’ll expand within another probably terrible analogy;

Now a computer has some operation to fulfil in order to keep running like when the on button is switched on it will run through its boot up operations and then when you get to the start-up page you have to select the account that you want type the password in to the computer using the keyboard, if you have one, then the computer has to check the password that you used against the one associated with that account. Then it logs you onto your account with all of your files allocated on the system available for your personal use, as long as the computer that you were on has the programs necessary too load up the files, e.g. a check will run.

Now what I was intending to meaning by that analogy was that you have to have a user name and a password in order to get onto pretty much any computer or system and the password is linked for that one username,

ok so after the Epic Fail of that analogy I should get back onto my main point of this it could mean the end of people dieing senseless deaths in combat as if you had a matrix world which was inside of these hat like things you could have a massive battle with other countries but all of the fighting would be done in a Matrix world that is inside of this one but the difference is when you die in The Matrix world you wake up in this world so therefore no one actually dies now where it gets confusing would be if someone gets hacks into the program and stacks the cards in their favour if it was against the expected outcome of the battle, but other uses of this technology could be to give everyone on the planet a chance to experience everything, e.g. I could be hanged drawn and quartered the day before I had sex and I gave birth to twins, but in a game but the point to getting this helmet/hat thing to cover your head would be to shock your brain with the kinds of low level electrical charges that are associated with the feelings and sensations of giving birth, sex and being hanged drawn and quartered you could even be shot through the heart. Like in the beginning of the following song;

Shot through the heart and you’re too blame.

You could even create an actual hell with the electrodes positioned and acting upon just to the correct nodes of the brain you could make the person that you were experimenting on/me believe that my body was burning causing me hideous pain or excruciating agony without damaging a cell from within their body. The next moment you could be sampling the heavenly delights of your favourite hotel or you could go into your favourite video game as the main character. Even if your female and you went to play Legend of Zelda as Link who’s the male lead character of the games you’d just have an additional piece of equipment to play with down in front of you to play with,

I have completed the production of my next check-list, and here it goes.

My check list:

Date of completion
Complete my YouTube project episode 1.

Complete my response to more Religious shenanigans (Islam- Asea).

Complete my story “Tell me lies...?” which I made the prelude of all the way back in 2011 Click here to view first draft (for the second draft just look down this article).

Complete writing My Sci-fi Book of which I thus far only got the first chapter which can be viewed by clicking here.

Finish all of the rest of the stories that I have only wrote part of.

Type up my personal guide to surviving a zombie apocalypse.

Get a better score than my previous high score of two on the planet rock anorak quiz.

Complete the first issue of The Savage Acts; my endeavour into the comic book world (not it’s full name).

Complete my life (Die, again?)

But I realise that I can’t actually tell anyone when I next die unless it is like the last time but all that I can say is it will probably be when I stop typing these posts. Then you’ll know that Red has finally fulfilled his end of our agreement.

What agreement?

Yellow, what can’t you remember?


It was only the other day when Red said he could tell me but then he’d have to kill me, and then it told me, but he still hasn’t put a date on the execution yet; as he probably won’t until the act is done.

The Savage Act of my murder I’m looking forward to it. But I have also decided to put my second addition of the tale’s prologue that I made up in 2011 as a tribute to Ronnie James Dio, you can see the original by clicking the link in the table above.

Just another chapter to another Tale of which I have concocted in my mind...


From the first time they touched with their eyes.
The male was struck by a strange compulsion to move over towards the female.
Somehow the female was struck by a similar compulsion.
Then as soon as they were within an audible distance of each other, the female began to speak.
“Hello” she said to the male,
The male just waved back at her as he couldn't speak.
Nothing else was spoken between the two of them, at least not for this moment; this moment of briefly prolonged eye contact.
The male was intrigued.
Questions like “What has just happened?”, “why me?”, “what’s so special about me?” and “who is she?” were racing through his head.
He replayed the key events of that incident in his mind multiple times.
The only things that he could think about were the same questions over and over again like an infinite loop, oh how fun it is to program one of those into a computer; well it’s fun attempting to create one in C++ anyway, but I think you’d need a lot of random numbers/integers to create something like the number thing in the Matrix, and even then you’d need to formulate a way to get the text to sit the correct way (it sits in multiple layers. one on top of the other) and you’d need a way to change the colour of the text. Look beneath this text to see The Matrix.

The male wasn't sure of much but he knew one thing, which was that he liked her, as a friend at least.
But I am not going to jump to any conclusions towards the females feelings because female’s feelings are too complex to understand, especially for the likes of me,
But I am guessing that she liked him as she didn.t shy away from him in later confrontations, although she acted nervously, but in quite a few of the later confrontations the male was attempting to help her with a little bit of programming as he felt compelled to help.

Oh I almost forgot to introduce you to the two characters, so here goes. Now the female is one Miss Susannah and the Male was called Mac (not to be confused with either of the other two types of Mac’s). 

Thursday 21 November 2013

Day 138

Day 138;

It has finally been day 138 yesterday from a readers perspective if you’re looking at the post on the date up top of this article.

I went to the gym today; again. Tina was talking to my Personal Trainer about me in times that I can’t remember today. So the basic gist of the conversation was that I was always covered in bruises as I always ran everywhere when I was smaller and I always fell over in the same spot on the way to school (which must have been the first school, the infants school, that I went to), which could have been when they were talking about my right hands positioning as it worries my Personal Trainer that I might just snap my wrist as of the weird shape that it forms. On its own but now, since the Botox its seeming to act worse than ever, and the arm despite being like one of those collapsible rulers, see below.

The joint is my elbow.

But now I shall report on something else my Personal Trainer stated to Tina.

Why bother?

I don’t know but it seemed interesting to me so here I go, again.

Was that my eyes, were more closed this session than they have been as of late, but I hadn’t but there was a reason for my seeming obsessive behaviour in context to my eyes, as I kept wiping them with a little hand cloth, throughout the session. That action was because on the way into the GYM I got some rain, water, in my eye and then whist I was training I got sweat in my eye, but I could just state that both of the incidents were my own fault as I was looking up to the sky for the first and the second and the sweat in my eyes which gets annoying,

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Day 137

Day 137;

Sorry about the checklist it was just within your (Red’s) diatribe from yesterday.

You mean the one about brains in vats?

Yes that’s the one, I was just wondering how much of that was plagiarised from The Matrix?

None intentionally, plus in The Matrix left your whole body intact while the computers harvested and ran off of the brains electrical energy and all of the other things that are different.

Ok, I understand that subtle irony.  What you were on about=

Brain in a Vat

What The Matrix is =

The Matrix pod people

It gave you a good excuse to actually watch The Matrix, only 14 years late.

but I thought we watched it in maths class all those years ago.

Did I? But then I’d only remember it vaguely but it wouldn't, no it couldn't, have been the complete film, as maths lesson only lasted 60 minutes.

Ok then, we have it agreed, if I had seen it before then It'd have been a number of years ago something in the order of 7 years ago and even if I did it'd have only been the first 50 minutes, or so, of it.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Day 136

Day 136;

But today I started my check list but I got slightly side tracked by the fist item.

Which was “Complete my YouTube project episode 1”; and by side tracked I mean by attempting to do that instead of the check list.,

What did you do to the YouTube project?

Well I have sorted the majority of the suggestions from people out, like I can now blink in the project and I have also tightened up the lip syncing a bit. Ok so I'm going to have to check back through they’re comments on my YouTube project just to make sure that I haven’t missed any parts out before I send each a new copy of my YouTube project part one, I wonder what they’ll say? it shall probably be something about the imaginary friends now moving around too much.

Hey you over there who are you calling imaginary?


Well that’s rich coming from you.

Is that supposed to mean anything substantial?

Yes, how do you not know that I haven’t programmed into your brain the delusions of humanity and you are nothing more than a rat in a maze, but you/the rat are nothing more than a brain in a vat of water and you’re playing a character in a game, a game of my creation, and none of these things that you have put down on this is actually yours it’s really mine a creature from the forth dimension.

Anyway what’s the forth dimension?

Well I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you.

Ok could you please tell me now and then kill me now, as this headache has gotten something chronic inside this here skull today,  

2d is a thing like a peace of paper with 2 dimensions (length and width)
3d is a thing like a cube with 3 dimensions (height, length and width)

4d is a thing which is indefinable thanks to your primate dialect, and it’s beyond your comprehension with a 4 dimensions (4d, height, length and width) 

Monday 18 November 2013

Day 135

Day 135;

Today I have forgoer what I was about what I was going to type about.

Tina and the scolding shower, was one part of it but the other part of it I appear to have forgotten, for the moment of me typing this; I really hate this thing about me, how I can remember something so well up until I attempt to write it down. I would say it out loud to stop me forgetting but I can’t speak so that’s that.

The tale of Tina and the scolding shower goes like this Tina was upstairs taking a shower at this moment I was downstairs in the kitchen dinner thinking whilst I was eating my breakfast whilst I was thinking Mike came in the room with a bucket and he proceeded to the sink, then he started to fill the bucket up with hot water I probably should have said something about the fact that Tina was in the shower but I didn’t and then after a while he stopped filling his bucket with water and he then later still Tina came downstairs and relayed her side of the story, at Tina  had been taking a shower then mike turned the tap on the shower got colder so Tina turned the shower temperature up to maximum temperature probably to compensate for the now cold water, but then when Mike turned the tap off so Tina got the full heat of the water that she had turned it up to. It could have just been me but I thought that tale was funnier than how I have just

I have remembered the thing that I was going to type before the unfunny tale that I have wrote, it was vaguely humorous but I have just ruined that. But it was the US Grand Prix today, guess who won this year’s race.


Yes how did you know?

He has won the majority of races this year.

Lewis Hamilton got himself up to forth position from sixth place on the starting grid so that’s up 2 places I wonder how the other British drivers faired in the race?

So you mean Jenson Button, Paul di Resta and Max Chilton?


Well Jenson managed to pick up 1 point for coming 10th after starting 5 places back leaving him in 9th position in the championship with Paul di-Resta just behind him in 10th. Max Chilton is in joint 19th spot in the championship as he has 0 points, only with only one race left.

But what were you thinking about?

Oh yes that was it me driving a car or any other type of automotive transportation, as I could now; well I can’t see any reason why I couldn’t anymore as my eyes are open more now than before.

But what would you use it for, 3 of the people that you co-inhabit the place that you live can already drive and the forth is learning at the moment?

Ok I know that I don’t have to learn how to drive, but I could.

Anyway you hate spending money isn’t that what you have to do with cars you have to spend money on it to keep it road worthy and more still to keep the vehicle fuelled and clean. Not to mention the pollution that is caused.

Good points Red I’m wondering if I could get an electric motorised bicycle.

Are you stupid or something? That’d still be a waste, but in the pollution would be getting produced by all of those PowerStation’s /where you’re getting your electricity from.

But that is where my crazy ideas come into play as a way to provide free electricity to the world but without pollution, well it may include a bit of pollution.

But don’t worry that shall be on my list of things to do, whenever I get around to writing it.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Day 134

Day 134;

It has been day 134 today, but today I went to watch another football match and the team that I was supporting lost, two games in a row, but this time it wasn't the referees fault; it was the team that I was supporting fault for playing lousily.

Today my heart was feeling weird as it was acting strangely. I make this statement as I wasn't doing anything at all strenuous when it suddenly started beating faster; it was beating so quickly that I could actually hear it beating, with my ears which are attached to the body that the heart is in, a bit similarly to the nature people on the Television that put they’re ears to the floor to hear for sounds of oncoming stampedes.

Then I went to eat my lunch whilst I was listening to my heart pounding in my chest, or am I getting my times mixed up? I think I might have done, Anyway I know it was before I went to watch the football match, as I remember that much and I remember experiencing a kind of after shock while I was at the football match.

I still need to create a check list so I can check off the shenanigans that I have actually done and then I could also use it to check what I have done.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Day 133

Day 133;

Today has been another failure of a day for me. Especially as I failed to post this blog article on time, but what can I say I was watching children in need until 2AM which is technically the morning of the next day/the morning of this day.

As I haven’t completed anything that I set myself to do apart from get up get dressed and eat, which I don’t really see the point in for the most part at least. Please allow me to expand;

Item one; get up- today would have most likely been an as productive a day if I had just stayed in bed this morning. That is about as unproductive as my day has been today.

Item two; get dressed- today would probably have been just as boring for me if I hadn't bothered to put some clothes on today, and it may have even been more interesting as I had a visit from the post person today. When I stated interesting earlier in this post I meant for me; as the look of the mixed emotions on the post person face would be hilarious, a mix of horror, disgust and surprise all jammed in there at once.

So as I was stating up the top I watched Children in Need until 02:00 this morning where a record breaking £31,124,896 were raised for charities and to help venerable children across Britain, I kept getting reminded by Alice and Mike, how much my personal circumstances mirrored that of a child that got waked by a car whose story was highlighted throughout the night. Alice fept saying that she sat by my bedside while I was in hospital and read me books.

Friday 15 November 2013

Day 132

Day 132;

So it’s day 132 that I have just experienced, here today but it should be day 133 by the time that you get to this. That is assuming that you read this on the day that this post goes live, which I acknowledge may be the majority of you that read this blog, I just don’t know.

But what have you done today?

Of what I can remember, I have woken up twice today but the first time that I woke up I thought I got out of bed but I mysteriously found myself back in bed X number of minutes later when I woke up for a second time, at least, today; and that is the way that I remained until a time after 23:00 hours tonight/yesterday night.

But that day I also remembered to contact the band that I know 3 out 4 of the bands members which isn’t too bad, which reminded me of a Meatloaf song, which goes by the title of “2 Out Of 3 Ain’t Bad”, of which you could listen to by clicking on the below youtube video,

So If they accept my proposal then my Halloween project will be taking it’s first step’s towards it’s being completed on time and to it’s projected completion date witch isn’t until next Halloween, did you see what I did there?

Yes, I get it, a pun; which is the lowest form of wit, as well as the only one that you have mastered.

I’m unsure if that was a compliant or not; does anyone else know? As you said that I had mastered it but that was after you said some inflammatory shenanigans against me.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Day 131

Day 131;

Today I went back to the gym, but today I got filmed whilst I was on the Cross Trainer,

Two questions for you now;
  1. Why did make your trainer cross/ angry?
  2. More importantly why did you get on the trainer?

Ok, the Cross Trainer is a piece of gym equipment which nullifies both of your dubious questions.

The Cross Trainer that I went on looks like the below image

Which is only as it is a different Cross Trainer to the one above as the one that I was on didn’t look as flimsy as the one above.

But before that I got filmed on the Rowing Machine of which my right arm kept playing up aka doing its own thing. But my right arm managed to settle down enough to get me to a decent speed on the Cross Trainer by the end, after a lot of stoppages as my right hand kept letting go but not as frequently as on the Rowing Machine. But that was just the two that were caught on film,

Before Tina arrived with the camera I started in my usual way on the Treadmill still attempting to develop a new way to go move quicker than walking without having to put one foot in front of the other because when I do I stumble over the foot that is front. After that it was onto the weights it was the hip abductors today first 55kg on the machine that I had to push the knees out and 65kg on the machine that I had to push my knees in on, or it was the other way around. 

My last two exercises and the first three from within this week’s gym session, today

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Day 130

Day 130;

I know I epically failed at my explanation of the armistice yesterday but I got put a little bit off track by the Misfits.

Freaks “of nature” is a little idea of mine it has got the immortal telepath from before humanity, that I created in as well as some others including Jackdaw (telepathic bird). Owl (William Wills), 1011000 (88). Miss Volts 1.0 (Annie Volts), Miss Volts 2.0 (Android). Thundress (Julia Qwerky), Kurt Angelskye (Male Angel). They are just the characters that I have already written a bit about so far, and it’s set in the not to distant future within a parallel world to this one (so that is why it is going to have some addition al species in as well like angels).

So for next Halloween, I’m still attempting to conscript some people for it, singers and musicians.

Aren’t singers musicians?

Well I don’t know I guess they are but I wouldn't class them as musicians unless they were any good. 

What don’t you want any decent singers, or something?

Well yes I would like some decent singers to sing my lyrics but I’m not being too optimistic look I have already asked Alice if she’ll it for me to record but she declined and she said “as you know I’m a terrible singer” then I was thinking to myself ‘then if you know how terrible you are why do you always sing?’ so I have got to find some other singers and some musicians to play sing and/or dance along to one of the tunes that I have made the lyrics to go with. I know what I could do; if I asked my friends that are in a band to make a hard rock soundtrack cover to one of them which ever one they choose they could record it in their studio then if they released it to me then I could put a karaoke/ding along version up on youtube then if others recorded themselves sing along to it then by sending them off to me I could then mash them up together into one big Halloween video, so what do you say? 

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Day 129

Day 129;

Today was the day after Sunday the 10th of the 11th so that means that today’s Monday the 11th of the 11th.

At 11 o'clock on the 11th of the 11th there was supposed to be 2 minutes of silence in commemoration of the armistice that was 95 years ago this year.

Why, and what’s an armistice?

Well I have one idea of an answer to the question of why it’s then and it’s that the people that signed the armistice came to a decided to sign it by the 11th of the 11th month and it’d probably at 11 o’clock as some clever clogs decided to put it down at 11 to match up the symbolism of the number 11 and to make it simpler to remember. As I can remember yesterdays post which is forcing me to remember the most bizarre things about my past.

Misfits the Channel 4 programme I have just been catching up to where it should be on Wednesday That was the whole of season 1, 2, 3,4 and the first couple of episodes of season but I would like to state that of the original 6 but then one died before the end of the first episode which left 5 Simon, Alisha, Curtis, Kelly and Nathan.

Nathan left the crew at the end of season 2 after they had gotten their pardons, but the other 4 of them got into a stolen car with the newest 5th member of the Misfits crew and they got busted again and they had to go back into the system; which was at the start of the 3rd season. but then within the 2nd season you find out when Simon dies but then but then within the third season you find out that Alisha dies and then Simon has to go back in time in order to die in the correct place. So now there’d only Curtis and Kelly still from the original crew but then Kelly absconds on a holiday leaving Curtis alone from the originals, now later on in the 4th season Curtis dies, he shoots himself in the head as he was bitten by a zombie.

So now 0 of the original 5(or 6) remain so the longest running character within Misfits is the character that replaced Nathan for season 3 so he should be one of the next deaths/departures from the show. 

Monday 11 November 2013

Day 128

Day 128;

So on this day the 10th of November I have gone to the remembrance Sunday event, which is held at the war memorial every year to commemorate the dead.

Commemorating the dead is one thing that I'm happy to do but what I'm not happy about was the parts when the person that was leading the service started doing his entire God talk shenanigans that just put my nose out of joint., I mean this as the idiom as in I was offended by his action of praying in front of everyone expecting all present to join in with hi, with his bleating. to a non-existent sky father figure. That either is non-existent or doesn't care about us, I state this as the preacher always says the same kind of thing about peace and thanking “his holiness” for the peace that he has engrained within all of us, which honestly isn't much towards outsiders, but if you live within their community your free.

So why did you go?

I don’t actually know, but it was silent apart from the dogs barking, the old man bleating, the other veterans talking of old times, the babies whining, the sounds of distant toad traffic, air traffic overhead and the sounds of The Last Post, see below.

But listening to that tune sent me back to a year when I was more able bodied so pre 2008 and before July of 2007 so it probably was 2006 one Sunday in November, when it was another one of these Remembrance days when the school’s (that I went to) brass band, and I was a part of it as well at this point, went to it to play at it. But obliviously I was the worse player of a brass instrument in the group.

Obliviously, why obliviously? Have potentially any of your readers ever heard you play your trumpet?

It’s one of these /\ I'm typing about.

Most likely not and if they had it’d have been s very long time ago and more than likely not me actually playing as the only times that I played it solo was at home or in orchestra if there was multiple trumpet parts like 1,2 and 3, I would get the 3rd as part one is the most difficult part 2 would be the second most difficult and the part 3 would be the easiest, As the part 3 usually consisted of the most boring parts but I was fine with that as I failed my grade 1 exam, so what if when I got a new instrument teacher I passes my grade 2 exam, I still failed my grade 1 exam the first instrument teacher that I had left from teaching at the school that I was learning it at so did the second teacher but it was after 2007 that my second instrument teacher left the school. I haven’t been taught how to play the trumpet since the accident as you need to get a lip seal in order to play a trumpet and that is one more thing that I cannot do, any more but I did create a mock radio show when I could still speak which has got me hosting a pod cast with Alice as my co-host when Alice was last playing it I thought it was 2 girls hosting a pod cast but it was me a male/me I know as I have got a penis and balls as genitalia.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Day 127

Day 127;

Today was day number 127, today I went to another football match, shame that the referee didn't know the rules.

So I am typing about the referee now I’m unsure if you had realised this but rarely complain about referees but I think that today was an exception.

It was in a first round “Proper” FA cup match which is the Football Association Challenge Cup, commonly known as the FA Cup, is an annual knockout cup competition in English football and is the oldest association football competition in the world.

But the team that I went to support lost the game 3-2, which I would under normal circumstances I would have no problems with and the team that I was to support made an actual fight of the game that they went behind 2-0 by the end of the first half of which they managed to get the score back to a tie at 2-2 before the referee literally gave them the final goal to make the final score of the game 3-2, But by the terminology literally gave the goal I don’t actually mean that he just said to the other match officials give the opposing team an extra goal I meant by giving the opposition team a penalty kick which the opposition kicker sent the keeper the opposite way to the way that hr was kicking the ball. He did that by standing slightly on the goalies left hand side of the ball so the goalie thinks that you are going to kick the ball into the left hand corner but then as you strike the ball use your right foot to kick it into the goalies right hand side of the net/your left hand side.But it may work better if you took a  quick glance to the corner of the goal that your not aiming for as well, Anyway that is my fuess from my observation. 

Saturday 9 November 2013

Day 126

Day 126;

So today I decided to attempt to complete my flash project, all I am seeming to so to it is add more words but the ones that I managed to add to it today, were a bit more of an intro to me, I never knew that I could write so much about something that is so unimportant as I am.

Also what I did was change this sites page layout so I hope that all of my returning, well those of you that I haven’t scared off, readers prefer it this way. If you do prefer it this way then please comment but obliviously as usual your criticisms are welcome just as much.

Of what I can remember from my action packed day would be that I watched agents of shield today and I thought that this episode, episode 6. was probably my favourite so far  even if it was spoilt a bit by the ending.

It was my favourite as the tale of the episode was based around Fitz and Simmons/2 of the 3 characters that probably shouldn’t have been allowed to go on the adventure with the likes of agent Coulson, agent Ward and agent May. As so far in the series they had just been used to introduce a certain degree of humour into the show but I know that ihey also had a more central in episode 5 as well but they weren't ever in the more dangerous positions until episode 6, when Simmons got an electric shock.

Friday 8 November 2013

Day 125

Day 125;

Welcome to my life on day 125, well by the way I don’t mean that you are in my life. unless you comment on any of my posts.

Buyt I have read my through quite a few articles on the subject that was brought up by Frenchman Professor Rouillon and his fifteen year reach project to work out the long tem effects of bras, and he has come to some quite startling findings, as his findings suggest that the item of underwear known as a bra could actually be making a woman’s breasts sag more and that a bra is a “false necessity”, which is proved so the scores say by Anne Hathaway , Charlie Dimmock and Kate Moss, of who it says in the following article,

As I read through the article I saw it state “so long sore shoulders, good bye to that restricted ribcage” and then she proceeds to state that those problems with bras aren't actually problems compared with the 33% more movement of the breasts while your walking, compared to when they’re standing stationary.

Anne Hathaway Charlie Dimmock Kate Moss

But apparently the 33% more movement didn't bother any of the above three.

But I think his reasoning is plausible as it was basically;

Without the exercise of gravity pushing down on the breast muscles they get lazy and stop to function to maximum efficiency, like if you stopped using your legs for an extended period of time and then you attempted to walk again your legs wouldn't work the same way straight away. I am having things that seem like flashbacks now, it is of me attempting to walk after my 3 months in a coma, I awoke I wriggled my way to the perspex (a see through kind of plastic) wall of my "prison" where I found myself 3 of the walls were wood and 1 was made of the plastic, I didn't know where I was the last night I had it was Sunday or Saturday, by what I could remember, I was confused, i kept attempting to stand up in my "prison" with little success my "jailers" came to fetch me the tied me to a wheelchair and they took me out of the room that my prison was in and they preceded down the corridor with me being pushed along by them the I saw the stairs and the lift to the ground floor. I was pushed into the lift. But then the flashback stops.

You can read more into the story by clicking on one of the bellow links;

Thursday 7 November 2013

Day 124

Day 124;

So it’s that day it’s ay 124, now what did I do?

You went to the gym didn’t you?

Yes, I did, but what else did I do?

You made a kind of diary entry for the gym which went like;

Today I went to the gym again but the botulinum toxin seems to have worked on my eyes still but my right arm has gotten worse I'm thinking as I had managed to get my grips with the gym equipment but now on the arm weights my wrist, on the right hand side, goes floppy which as you can guess plays havoc when I’m attempting to lift anything with my right arm, my arm is still going off on a wander around my back but I have a feeling that it is going back less now.

Alternatively in news from my gym experience; my legs on the treadmill, while I am attempting to run, jog or anything quicker than my walking pace, anything up to 8 km/h, my legs and I just go weird, by weird I mean that I am wanting to put them one foot in front of the other, like a boring old human, but my legs seem to be slipping onto they're sides, but there is no slipping involved so that kind of nulls my kind of analogy, I’m guessing it is as that I am attempting to move them too close together. but it’s the only way that I knew how to run., well I’m now guessing that I’m going to have to work out a new way to run.

Yes I know I wrote it.

but there was one thing that I had  s problem with today.

Oh no, what was it?

now this goes into a bit on religious shenanigans so if you hate me typing about region I would now navigate away from this page/

So I searched for “Vedh molded Hindu texts” like Asea inferred in her last response to me but I couldn’t find anything on the Vedh the closest thing to it is the Vedas so Asea Is this the text that you were typing about?

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Day 123

Day 123;

It’s Day 123, but today I have been sitting downstairs, as I was requested to yesterday.


It’s as I had to answer the door today as Tina was expecting a lot of parcels today.


I’m only guessing but I know that Tina did a big online shop for gifts for all of us for the Annual celebration of the winter solstice, the other day so that might be what some of the stuff is but there was a lot of parcels, so some of it may even be some of the stuff that I requested for people.

What, for people like me?

no not you. I said people you aren’t a person you are an animation of my conscious thought.

What about me?

Yes you two are both animations of my conscious thought, but red was around first yellow.

I know that Red was around first on this blog but wasn’t I around back when you were smaller still attempting to work out what a Christian actually was as I remember you saying that you were a Christian as you’d been Christian but when you were smaller still but you didn’t actually believe in God.

Hold up a second, how long ago was it when I said that I don’t know exactly but I am guessing it was approximately 13 years ago.

Ok so when I was around about 8?

Yes, probably.

So in other words when I didn’t understand what being a Christian was all about?

You just thought that you were born into a Christian country so much so its own branch of Christianity named after it.

What the Church of English, that either me or Alice used to call it that.

Aye that’s t' one me bucko,

Ok sorry but I do not have a Scottish accented voice on my iPad to make a character for you green.

I’m not Scottish you infernal imbecile!

Ok then green what are you, a sailor/pirate?

Aye me little old bucko

Ok now with all of that excitement about the new pirate you seem to have forgotten what day it is today.

What the fact that’s the 5th of November, or was, today?


Remember remember the fifth of November

Gunpowder, treason and plot.

I see no reason why gunpowder, treason

Should ever be forgot...

it is the Anniversary of the supposed plot to kill the king of England in order to put a Catholic monarch in his place but the Catholic MP they warned Robert Cecil who was the kings chief of security, so Robert ordered for the basements of the houses of parliament to be searched and they found Mr Guido Fawkes with his co-conspirators red handed as it may be said. Actually along side the gun powder in a storeroom underneath of the houses of parliament, basically.

Guido Fawkes got himself hanged drawn and quartered.