Sunday 30 June 2019

Day 2135

Day 2135;

So fun this day I had a low BMI of 19.36, which surprised me as I’d only done 4643 steps which was only 3.01 km still I managed to burn off 914 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, peach, banana, orange, apple, nectarine and yogurt.
Lunch:cottage pie, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Dinner: omelette, potato salad and coleslaw.
Drinks: milk fruit squash and fruit squash with lemonade.
Snacks: rice cakes.

Tomorrow I am planning on going to the gym, but that depends what mood Tini is in, no football until Tuesday so I probably should be getting fitter in order to reach my goal of competing at an Olympics as if I get to do that I will permit myself to ask a question of a woman, a friend of mine to become slightly more than friends then if she actually accepted my proposition it’ll give me more reason to win gold as if I actually won an event then I maybe good enough to ask for her hand in marriage, now that was something I never thought I would type, now just think about it I didn’t even think that I would before the incident which turned me into the crippled that I am today, but that was because I was too much of a coward.

My cowardice was about asking a girl out I never did that, at the point I was intending to make was what happens next after you’ve asked the question? I don’t know, do you? So you’ve got a girl that you like, how are you supposed to express that you like them, kissing and holding hands? If I just went up to her and I started kissing her how would I know that it is acceptable it probably wouldn’t be acceptable, I’m not French, I respected people’s personal space even with holding hands I wasn’t very into touching others, outside of a sporting context, as I understood the rules that were in place for sport but not for life.

The point about me being too much of a coward to ask anyone out with me, wasn’t so much the fear of rejection, but that did come into my thoughts on the subject. My fear was more of a fear of the unknown, as if you look at it from my perspective if you’re scared of dogs what are you actually scared of? The pain of dogs bites or the noise of the dogs howl/bark, now basically two separate methods of fear of pain, which I don’t get as I know that some things can hurt but I also know that you can get over it, get over the pain and fear no more. So I can deal with that type of fear but my fear was, of what happens next so you’ve got a girlfriend, that’s fine and dandy, but what is the purpose of the relationship I don’t know, I know that some people choose to get married but what is the purpose? So the children have the same surnames as the parents? Then that is getting rare nowadays isn’t it, if you should decide to get married that is as Emu and C got married a couple of years back and still no children, and then there’s a couple moving into the GM’s house who aren’t married and they’ got two children. I’m confused by the logic.

But then today I have been on the Switch playing Breath of the Wild today I cannot remember if I got the whole of the the one with the Rito Champion completed. As I can remember that I have done that in the past.

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