Saturday 8 June 2019

Day 2123

Day 2123;

Now today I had a BMI of 19.79, I managed to take 14,586 steps (9.45 km) and I have burned 1126 kcal.

Breakfast: muesli, apple, banana, grapes, orange, strawberries and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in seeded bread) and something.
Dinner: pasta meatballs (quorn) and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: chocolate cake

Tomorrow I’m having to celebrate Emu’s “birthday”, England’s Women are also playing Scotland and there’s also another GP, the Canadian. In which Vettel managed to beat Hamilton into second place in the race for pole position.

Then today I have been travelling in the car, back home. We have had an excellent journey back it served to go quickly, which may have been as the queues were apparently nonexistent, apart from the queue to get by stone henge, we were still moving throughout our trip past the henge, so it was like a rolling roadblock. Then we got home in time for lunch when it appeared not to go that smoothly on the way to the place.

Then after the journey we had Emu coming round later on today so we had time to fit in a walk in between dinner and the time that she arrived. So that was mine and Mich’s afternoon activity but we had to get around the course before certain times, and Mich was going too slowly for us to get around the course, so I had to stop a few times and walk back to fetch him, and we made it to the place that we had to be at a minute late by my watch, then Mich said that we had gone the wrong way for the first part of the walk, then before the moment that he was referring to he told me not to go that way, mixed messages. Then again he also made the route a little bit longer anyway.

Then Emu arrived after we had got back to our home, so we had a bit of Emu’s “birthday” cake, which was delicious, despite being a shop bought cake. Then again shop bought cakes are still only a pale imitation of some of the cakes that Tini, the master baker, has baked in the past. Even some of the cakes that I have made in the past put the shop bought cakes to shame. It’s just that one bit of homely cooked goodness which separates the shop bought ones, but then it is there I cannot Describe the taste effectively enough to do it any type of justice, I appear to be lacking in vocabulary.

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