Saturday 29 June 2019

Day 2134

Day 2134;

BMI was 19.69, my steps were 13,387 or 8.67 km and I had only burned off 1086 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal ,watermelon, banana, orange, apple, nectarine and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (ham, cucumber, green leaves in white bread) and something.
Dinner: fish, broccoli, green beans, carrots, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, dodgy beer and hot Ribena.

I think that tomorrow will be a day of which skiing will be possible, alas my eyes haven’t been great over the past few days, but then they shouldn’t really effect my ability for skiing (especially not as it’s only going downhill) but the other people that are there will probably be the only challenge. Then also tomorrow I only have something like eight minutes to do of intensity in order to reach my weekly goal, which should mean that I have managed to do sixteen minutes today which is a pathetic amount, but more on that later. I’m guessing it’ll probably be another lazy day tomorrow until I get off for skiing when I’m at skiing I’ll probably get my final eight minutes of intensity done.

On this day I have been lazy as I predicted, with only an about ten minute jog along to the football and then a bit of bouncing around, without the trampoline, which was after I had done some boccia in the morning, then I had played a bit on Breath of the Wild, I got my first little shrine of Medoh thingamajig today, then I watched the two football matches also, but the second match was apparently the shocking match as the “voodoo” that was cast on the tournament appears to have been broken. What is this “voodoo” that I type of you may wonder, it’s nothing big it’s just the fact that whichever team scored first in a game went on to win the game, which has been disproven at least twice now, as first it was in the excellent Scottish match, three nil to Scotland then the opposition team managed to get the game back to three all before the end. But then this is the first game of which the score has been reversed so it was 1-0 to Germany at first but then at the end of the match it was 1-2 to Sweden. So Sweden scored twice against the German’s which put them onto equality with the USA on goals conceded, but it also put them out of the competition. So it’s Sweden v Netherlands as the Netherlands beat the Italians earlier in the day. So it looks like to the honest presenters of the sports shows a USA V Netherlands final, of which they are hoping for an England win against USA so they are hoping for a England v either Netherlands or Sweden (but they have got their money riding on Netherlands) final.

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