Monday 24 June 2019

Day 2129

Day 2129;

Today my BMI has been 19.69, I have only made 11,566 steps (which was 7.49 km) and I have only managed to burn 1055 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, watermelon, banana, orange, apple, nectarine, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in wholemeal bread) and lemon drizzle cake.
Dinner: Chinese feast (chicken balls, noodles, rice, chips) and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (orange) and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow I am not doing anything, except for waiting for something, until then I’ll probably be able to get in some exercise on the Zwift bike or something. So when the thing turns up it’ll probably be about lunch time and then in the afternoon it’ll be the football matches of which I will probably watch so that will probably be my day.

I have been on a half hour walk today which got me my first 30 minutes of intensity on my watch, which I found a little bit shocking, as I had only walked for about 30 minutes, a walk, that was what I was doing isn’t really something that I thought would classify as an intense workout. Then later on I gave myself a bounce, of which I did before I watched the football, well I had watched the majority of the first game before I was required to go to eat my dinner, I finished my dinner and then I took a shower, before I watched the second game.

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