Sunday 9 June 2019

Day 2124

Day 2124;

My BMI was 19.46, as I had stepped 10,050 times which was 6.51 km and I had only burned 834 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

So it was my first day back home, then that is for later on, what’s going on tomorrow is more of a point for now. Tomorrow I should have another lazy day but I probably won’t be going on another walk.

Then today I have had celebrate Emu’s “birthday”, England’s Women were playing Scotland in their opening match for the women’s World Cup, England’s men also had a the third place playoff in the national league  and there was also a controversial victory for Hamilton.

So I where should I start...? let’s start with the controversy the controversy was caused by Vettel not accepting that he lost the race even though he won the race. Ok so I will explain:

1. Vettel went off the track, he was leading the GP and he suddenly made a mistake, he cut across a small section of grass just as Hamilton was attempting to overtake.
2. When Vettel was getting back onto the track he forced Hamilton to go wide, I immediately indicated that it’d be a 5 second penalty, which it was.
3. The race finished and Vettel was stroppy as he’d finished in first but Hamilton was within 5 seconds of his time, so Hamilton got awarded with the win.
4. Vettel was in a strop when he first finished, he went off to his trailer to sulk, before getting a talking to by some Ferrari person.
5. He walks over to the podium, mucking about with place settings on the cars on the way, he moved the number 1 in front of his car from Hamilton’s car and placed it in front of his.
6. He went into the sitting area before they went on to the podium and then had the all time quickest after race interviews as Hamilton was getting booed, for reasons of beating Vettel, I think.

Let’s move on to Emu’s “birthday” and it was later than her actual day of birth by a greater than something like 30 years and a week (fortnight) I am unsure how long. We did some cycling around the block and we also did some running around it.

Then it time to move onto both of the footballing stories. As we all know now that the men won their final nations league match which went down to penalties and then they managed to put 6 past their opponents meanwhile the opposition only got 5 past Pickford, and Pickford scored one as he saved one so he’s got to be the national hero, but that was in a match that I didn’t watch as I didn’t know it was on today. The match that I did know was on was the women’s football match but then it says women’s football in its title, but then there was only the 3 of us men watching it for the most part all of the women in the house weren’t interested until the death of the game when we only got 2 out of 3 of them interested, or at least they appeared to be interested. Sport is in general a male pursuit doesn’t matter which gender is playing the sports males are the primary audience, from my perspective at least.

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