Saturday 1 June 2019

Day 2116

Day 2116;

My BMI was down to 19.59 today, my steps were down to 11,568 (which was apparently 7.49 km) and I had burned 1242 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (fish paste salad [green/purple leaves] in wholemeal bread), Pringles and chocolate brownie.
Dinner: cottage pie, cabbage, chips and cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and hot fruit squash.
Snacks: jelly babies.

Tomorrow is my first proper day of holiday... well it’s the first full day of myself being in the foreign place. So what has Mich got lined up for us to do tomorrow? I don’t know, I know that he told us, then again I cannot remember what he told us we’d be doing, something I do remember he told us that we would be doing is going out to watch the air show like we did today. But then tomorrow we’re going out to look for it instead of just finding ourselves under it when we went for a walk.

Now today I have been sitting down, in a car, traveling to Torquay. That wasn’t all that we did today as I had managed to get myself up to one thousand minutes of intensity for the week, that may have been during the over one hundred minute walk that I did today it was apparently a little more than three miles that I walked. Three miles should be about four point eight kilometres, so three point five should be five point six kilometres, why have I bothered to convert the distance from miles to kilometres, shouldn’t miles be good enough?

Now I’m looking forward to getting out on the tandem some time this week, as there seems to be a lot of cyclists in this part of the world, but then there also seem to be a lot of fat people in this part of the world, I suppose that the majority of them are holiday makers though, as the one couple that we have met from the place where we are staying, the people that we are letting the place from, were quite slim when we met them. They asked us if we had stayed with them before as I found the key to the property under the door mat.

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