Tuesday 11 June 2019

Day 2116

Day 2116;

Now today my BMI was down to 19.49, my steps were 11,495 which was a distance of 7.44 km and I managed to burn 1112 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple,watermelon, pineapple and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (ham in weird bread) and lemon loaf.
Dinner: chicken, broccoli, peas, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I’m going to get more done in terms of my exercise, or at least equivalent, then I will watch some more of the Women’s World Cup, then I think I’m going to watch some more of the cycling .

So what happened to the this morning was I had a nice little row, not an argument but a row as in how you can get a boat across a body of water, but I probably was setting myself up for an argument, with Allergy as I am getting her up at a time in the morning for her Wii Fit body test.

I’ve also remembered what happened to me yesterday , it wasn’t anything too dramatic or anything it was that I accidentally, obviously, put my arm against the iron, while it was on, I mean a clothes iron not the chemical element, which was on at the time that I touched it. I am unsure of how I feel about it now, as my brain never got the message that something is hot my arm just acted on it’s own and it tossed itself off of the iron. So I have two potential issues 1 is my head is slow and then 2 my reactions are good, as if I have to think about it before I reacted I might have actually had myself get hurt by the heat, now as it was I didn’t even know what I had done until Mich shouted at me. I can’t even see anything wrong with my arm and as soon as Allergy got back in later the first thing she said to me was “what’s happened to your arm” then she starts saying about how I should’ve ran it under cold water , just as Tini told us to do; I didn’t do, and I’m fine.

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