Friday 14 June 2019

Day 2119

Day 2119;

I had a BMI of 19.33, steps that I had made today were 38,035, which gave me a distance of 24.63 km and I had burned 1919 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple, watermelon and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in weird bread) and something.
Dinner: an Indian feast (2 types of rice, 2 types of chicken and probably 2 types of bread) and 1 slice of chocolate cake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Peps and hot Ribena.

Now today was a bit of an interesting day, but that’s for later on in this post, now let’s get on to what’s happening tomorrow. Now tomorrow I am having another lazy day with maybe a little jog in the afternoon as tomorrow I’ve got boccia.

Now today I have asked Mich how many steps he had made, as he has a Fit Bit, and I was wondering how many he had made as his Fit Bit seems to be hyperactive. His Fit Bit had him as just over 22,000 and his “excuse” for having so many steps today were that he’d been walking around London today, then I showed him my fitness watch it had me at just above 32,000, but I had been rowing for an hour, bouncing for an hour and jogging around for an hour before. Which had me up-to about 22,000 before Mich and I went around to GM’s home, Mich drove round as he was going to get a Takeaway for our, the three of our (Mich, Allergy and I), dinner. 

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