Tuesday 4 June 2019

Day 2119

Day 2119;

My BMI was 19.69, as I had managed to do 15,173 steps, I have walked 9.82 km and I have burned off 1131 kcal.

Breakfast: granola, watermelon, banana, strawberries, apple, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in wholemeal bread), vegetarian sausage roll and other stuff that I have currently forgotten.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten what I had for my main component, green beans, peas, broccoli, chips and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow, tomorrow I’ll something ya tomorrow, it’s only a dream away. Or some lyrics like that I have not got a clue as to why that song popped into my head just now, I’m sure it was another song for the other majority of the days, if any song, indeed, well it was from a film called Annie which was released in 1982, which was a long time ago. Well the first edition that I missed at least, but back then in the past I believed that she was a little ginger orphan girl but then I was mistaken, it was a little blonde orphan girl. I got the hair colour incorrect. But then again I have forgotten what is going on tomorrow, but I’m guessing that it will probably include a bit more of driving.

So today I have been driven to a place of which we got on a train to a port to move onto another little island of which we traveled across the island to get to another little port in order to go onto another bigger boat for a river cruise, of which we had done before we got back on the first boat and the train so we were back at the car. Then we had a trip into a super market in order to purchase the food for tonight, before going back to the apartment and after waiting an hour, or two, we had our dinner.

Then for one of the hour that we were waiting we, Mich and I, had gone out for another walk. I think it was a walk to the post box to post the post cards to people that they decided to send them to, as my handwriting is illegible I don’t generally send any. But I have got an idea.

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