Friday 21 June 2019

Day 2126

Day 2126;

As my BMI was 19.49, steps I had made were 19,881 which was 12.87 km (today) and I had burned 1720 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, watermelon, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: half Cornish pasty, half Thai pasty and chocolate eclair.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas, thousand island dressing, vinegar, sticky toffee slice and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, ale and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I will probably be having a lazy day, as I have got boccia practise tomorrow morning, before I have two more football matches to watch, the matches tomorrow will be getting more serious, as it’s knock out match time.

Now today I have started myself up with an hour long Zwift cycle ride around Richmond, I believe. Then later I have been lazy before going out to the GM’s house as there was some interest in renting it out; but it felt as if the house's location was it’s appeal, not the time and effort which spent making the house look slightly respectable.

Then today there was no football matches to watch. So I think I had nothing to do with my time, apart from being helpful, to others, which I guess could be considered a half an decent way of spending my time. 

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