Wednesday 12 June 2019

Day 2117

Day 2117;

My BMI was 19.46, steps I had taken today was 13,641 which was apparently 8.83 km and I had 1192 kcal burnt.

Breakfast: cereal, watermelon, banana, orange, apple, strawberries, raspberries and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in weird bread) and something.
Dinner: pasta Bolognese (quorn mince), mushrooms and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow I am probably going to be doing some more exercise but I’m I’m planning on doubling it tomorrow so that should be an hour of bouncing followed later on with an hour little jog. Then the next day I will be attempting to get in an hourlong row also as I am thinking that I probably should just to spice it u. Then I’m going to watch some more of the World Cup (Women’s) and then I’ll probably watch some more of the cycling.

Now as I have mentioned above I have done half an hour on the trampoline and I have also done half an hour little jog around. I wonder if I could use my energy to put some energy back into the national grid? As I know that in cartoons they're sometimes using treadmills to generate electricity and similar, things so why won’t it work in reality? I know it’s only a cartoon but electricity generation wind turbines transform wind motion into electricity so have how about creating a belt that anyone can run along at a turbine that anyone can be turn like a hand bike or better an actual bicycle that you can pedal to generate your own electricity.

What else have I done today? I cannot remember but I know that I have watched the first football game that was on the box today, it was a women’s World Cup game, then I played some of Breath of the Wild later (before dinner) then I stopped to eat my dinner and afterwards Mich decided to watch some cycling thing which Chris Froome crashed on in the practice today, which leaves Garent Thomas alone for his next attempt at the Tour de France, in a couple of weeks. Then Simon Yates will also be attempting to get the Tour.

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