Friday 1 June 2018

Day 1751

Day 1751;

19.82 was my BMI today, I had walked 12,186 steps which was apparently 7.89 km and I had burned off 979 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple. Orange and pear.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: lasagna, lettuce, tomato, strawberries and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, cider and hot chocolate.

Pigeons are so irritating in the mornings with their infernal loud bellowing coo’s, which seem to go on and on, until they stop and then you only hear the other birds singing a higher pitched tweet, until the coo starts afresh, and the battle for supremacy of the airwaves continues for another morning.

Then later on today I have been on another 3 little cycles, although the final 2 could count as the same 1, but I have decided against as we cycled two separate ways. As the first was a walk to the bicycle shop for us to then cycle it back, then it was a little cycle to GM’s house which we stopped at in order for Mich to cut her grass, before we cycled back the almost 2 mile trip which was only just over 1 mile to get there in the first place but at least over the slightly longer ride we had managed to get our average speed to just above 13 mph, whereas our shorter ride had us traveling in access of 3 mph slower.

So on this day I have been waiting until we were going out to cycle, after the cycle back from the bike shop. So I haven’t been on the treadmill today, so I have been such a letdown, I cannot even remember if I did any of my abs workout, today.

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