Sunday 24 June 2018

Day 1774

Day 1774;

According to Wii Fit my  BMI was 19.79, 26,651 steps, 17.26 km and I had burned off 1783 kcal. But my watch tells me that I only have done 3063 steps 32.46 km I’m distance.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, pear, apple and orange.
Lunch: chicken, rice, broccoli, peas, carrots, sweetcorn, strawberries, cream, meringue and some chocolates.
Dinner: white bread, cheese, tomato, potato salad, coleslaw, porkpie, strawberries, Tunocks wafer, Welsh cake and yogurt .
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, Lucozade sport (raspberry) and hot chocolate.
Snacks: chips, sweet potato chips, onion rings and chicken goujons.

The World Cup today was really quite extraordinarily 6 - 1, to England, now that has got to be the best result within my lifetime, at least not in the Women’s game, where you get results like that as a regular occurrence. But English sport has been on an up within the past day, as not only did they beat Panama so convincingly but Also England’s Lewis Hamilton won the French GP and England also managed to beat Australia, again, in the ODI cricket, which makes it an impressive (I’m half tempted to state unprecedented) 5 - 0 win against Australia

5 in sport today, well as a start you’ve got the 5 goals that England won against Pamema, then you’ve got the 5 seconds that Vettel had as a penalty added on to his race time at the end of the GP and finally you’re got it’ll have to be the 5 - 0 England Cricket whitewash on the Australians, but I thought that Australia was supposed to be good at cricket.

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