Saturday 23 June 2018

Day 1773

Day 1773;

according to Wii Fit my BMI was 19.66, steps were 10,439, distance walked was 6.76 km and I had burned off 958 kcal. But my watch only had me down for 9053 steps.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: forgotten.
Dinner: sandwich (cheese, lettuce, tomato, salad cream in white bread), scones with cream + jam,Welsh cake, before my fruit course of the day (strawberries, apple, orange and banana).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, cider, fruit juice and hot chocolate.

Today started but then again it didn’t, as I awoke but I was unsure of what to do to precede. So I got myself up left my room, I heard a little noise coming from Tini and Mich’s room, it was the two of them talking, so I decided to go downstairs.

I ate my breakfast, then I don’t think I did much until the first World Cup match, when I had my lunch, before watching it. But I have forgotten what I ate for my lunch today. Then I went on a small cycle to the GM’s house and I watched the first half of the second football match there, while Mich fell asleep, then I woke him up before we went back home just at halftime to watch the game.

Then later on today I have been watching the second football match, the score was 2-0 in the second half and the game was about to finish, in something like 10 minutes when I went outside, then when I was outside I heard a first goal go in for South Korea to make the game 1 - 2 to Mexico and I was just about to have a go on the ordinary bike just to see if I still could cycle on my own, I unsuspectingly could just about.

Then it was time for the third, and final, match of the day in the World Cup. It started the Swedes had a goal up by half time, but then in the second half the Geri’s struck back levelling the game at 1 - 1. So the commentators were getting all excited saying that the reigning world champions could be out of the World Cup in the group stages but then they won the match in injury time.

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