Tuesday 19 June 2018

Day 1769

Day 1769;

19.49 was my BMI for today, I had walked 13,259 steps which was apparently 8.59 km and I have burned off 1129 kcal. At least according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries.
Lunch: sandwich (lettuce, chicken, bacon and white bread), red velvet cake, chocolate cake, banana, grapes, apple, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries.
Dinner: chicken, rice, carrots, runner beans and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash, cider and hot chocolate.
Snacks: wine gums.

Today I have realised why all my holidays in the past have gone in a similar fashion, with it being they were either with school or with Mich. As Mich was brought up by a teacher, before all this nonsense started about having fat enabling teachers and so on, so he was well versed in taking walks. Do you remember your first school trip? I don’t, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it included sitting in a bus for hours and then as soon as I was off the bus I’d have been shepherded up by the teachers and sent off walking after the teacher. But now with my generation, the millennial generation, the generation of the food obsessed and the me me me generation, but if that’s not enough Allergy was born to the end of the Millennial generation which is probably why, or just Y, she shows some inclinations of her being obsessed with celebrities which is a trait generally gifted to the Generation Y.

But I have gone on a on a morning hourlong hill jog on the treadmill, at a maximum speed of 8.4. But it was interrupted by Mich arriving home at just about 40 minutes of its way through, I still managed to finish it in was just slightly delayed. Then later on today I went to the gym, and I had another little cycle on the exercise bike, while watching Japan upset the Columbians in a 1 - 2 victory, then I saw the Senegalese beat the Pole’s before the Russians absolutely smashing the Egyptians 3 - 1. So now unless Saudi Arabia manage to beat Uruguay tomorrow, the Russians will have qualified for the last sixteen of their own World Cup, but even if the unlikely happens the Russians have got a truly masterful goal difference to fall back on, as they have scored 8 and only conceded 1 (which gives them a goal difference of +7). 

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