Tuesday 26 June 2018

Day 1776

Day 1776;

My BMI today was 19.59, I had made 13,116 steps which was apparently the equivalent of 8.49 km but then today I have burned off 1064 kcal, or so Wii Fit tells me.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese, lettuce, tomato In white bread) and something’s.
Dinner: salmon, prawns, pasta salad, meringue, strawberries, cream and chocolate truffle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: magnum ice cream.

So today I have been inside aiding Allergy with a bit of exercise, but she doesn’t seem to want  to even help herself to improve herself. So I am hoping to help her but there is only so much I can actually do to get her fitter plus she wanted an end goal to aim for, which on the one hand is good but if she reaches it then she’ll just quit doing pretty much everything, but then if she doesn’t she’ll probably still quit anyway as it’s too difficult, so a no win situation; so I told her to aim for a body like Tom Daily just as she started talking about swimming recently, due to the fact that she’s just returned from holiday in Malta and she has been swimming there, so I apologise to anyone in Malta that has had to see the sight of Allergy in swimwear a traumatic experience I’m sure.

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