Friday 8 June 2018

Day 1758

Day 1758;

BMI of 19.49, steps 24,121, distance walked has been 15.62 km and 1908 kcal burned off, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, raspberries, banana, apple, orange and grapes.
Lunch: cheese salad sandwich (white bread), lemon cake, chocolate football cake and cherry Bakewells.
Dinner: chicken, peas, broccoli, onions, runner beans, new potatoes, banana, apricots, grapes, orange, fruity yoghurt, Tunocks wafer and chocolate football cake.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash, cider and hot chocolate.

This morning I was got up, and I noticed that the light was on outside of my room, so I went to the door to investigate. But I hadn’t put my specs on, so all I could see was a small black dot zipping around by the ceiling, Mich appeared to be frightened by the small black dot which he said was a bat. How the Bat got into the cottage we don’t know but it was but I think it was the local pest control thing, as there were many flys buzzing around the room before and now their is one left.

But then today I have been out for a cycle but we returned to the cottage in enough time to see the English team p beat the Russian team, in a football match, which was good, well the first half was at least as the score was 0-2 to England in the first half, before the Russians got 1 back before halftime, so the game was getting interesting before a English player scored a third, still in the first half. Then it was halftime,  so I decided to go and take a shower as tomorrow I’m going home so I better get prepared. But I didn’t miss a goal in the match which was as the game ended up with England winning the game 1-3. 

Then Mich and I both ate our dinners while Salvage Hunters was on the box, then after that show we watched the Isle of Man TT, before watching the Critérium du Dauphiné which is the minor cycle race in France before the Tour de France. Then it was the time for the majority of Team Sky to get out of the way for the Welshman, Geraint Thomas, as he took the race leaders Yellow Jersey, meanwhile the rest of team Sky just floundered along.

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