Wednesday 20 June 2018

Day 1770

Day 1770;

My BMI today was unchanged from yesterday at 19.49, my steps were up at 16,117 which was the equivalent of 10.44 km walked and I had burned off 1314 kcal, according to Wii Fit. But my watch tells me that I have only done 8768 steps but I have moved 55.7 km, go figure.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (egg mayonnaise, cheese, ham and white bread), grapes, red velvet cake and chocolate cake..
Dinner: pasta bolognaise with cheese, tunnoks wafer, tiramisu, grapes and pear.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot chocolate.
Snacks: wine gums,

This morning I woke up, as usual,went downstairs to eat my breakfast, still as usual, then I went back upstairs to brush my teeth and get dressed, you know all the usual stuff, then I went back downstairs for a little jog on the treadmill, but unfortunately I only got myself half way through the exercise before I stopped the program, I don’t know why I stopped the program but I know that it was probably too taxing for the weak little old me.

Then when I had finished doing the aforementioned stuff I watched the first football match of the World Cup which was on today, first off was a Portuguese victory against Morocco to put the Moroccons out of the World Cup.

Then I went out for another little cycle ride, on Mich’s Tandem, but we left before the next game started and we arrived back after it had finished so I missed the next game but I have summed it up, I think. Then next up it was Uruguay’s turn to knock a team out of the World Cup, with their 1 - 0 against Saudi Arabia, but in them getting a positive result, for them at least, it now eliminates Saudi Arabia and Egypt from the competition.

After I had discovered that the Egyptians had been knocked out of the World Cup it was time for me to have my dinner which we watched as we ate our pasta bolognaise with cheese, before Mich left the room to go and water the plants as the Spanish weren’t being clinical enough and the Iranians scored but it was disallowed as they had a player offside. But anyway the result of the game was 0 - 1 to the Spanish.

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