Friday 22 June 2018

Day 1772

Day 1772;

My BMI today was 19.69, my steps were 9830 apparently I had walked 6.36 km and I had burned 844 kcal,  according to Wii Fit. My watch told me that I had managed to reach my steps goal after I had done my body test today, as I had been walking/jogging around for a bit after.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and pear.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese, pickle with white bread), 2 batternburg fingers, 1 chocolate chip finger, pear, strawberries and chocolate.
Dinner: cod, salad, potato salad, croutons, tiramisu, strawberries, banana and Tunocks wafer.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash, cider and hot chocolate.

Today I have been listening to the radio it was all about sexism in sports commentary and the point that the man was making is your dammed if you do your dammed if you don’t. As he said that if he had seen a male friend of his reading up about a team before the match just to hear them regurgitate it onto the audience, he’d give them a little (patronising or complimenting?) clap. But then if a woman had done the same he wouldn’t as it would be taken as being sexist, which I just think is preposterous. As just before Allergy left I found out that Allergy wanted my congratulations for her doing some exercise, which made me a bit perplexed, as I told her that I would give him praise if she earned it but I didn’t decree that she’d done anything worthy of praise, as I told her that the first exercise is only a walk to get her warmed up next up is a bounce, then a little JOG on the treadmill, which she never did even when I put the speed up on it she just turned it down, and continued walking, I almost told her that it’s not doing me any good, it’s you who wants to get fitter, but then I remember that she doesn’t care about her health, same as me in that respect. But she probably should care about the NHS/her employer as I know that they have been stretched to breaking point, and by employing nurses like Allergy I can see why if you’re standard nurse won’t get herself in decent enough condition what kind of example are they setting for the patients?

But today I have gone to the gym and I have been to a local opticians, when I found out that my shortsightedness has improved but my astigmatism has changed (it has changed from a 90 degrees to a 180 degrees, whatever that means). I get that 90 degrees is a right angle and 180 is a straight line. But in ophthalmology I’m totally out of the loop.

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