Tuesday 5 June 2018

Day 1755

Day 1755;

My BMI was 19.59, today, I had done 23,704 steps which is equivalent to 15.25 km and I had burned 1699 kcal, all of theatre was done today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple, orange, pear and nectarine.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread), chocolate chip shortbread and Bakewell tarts.
Dinner: spicy chicken, chips, nectarine, pear, banana, grapes, toffee sundae, tunnocks wafer and jelly beans.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, cider and hot chocolate,

I have noticed that my resting heart rate for today was 46, but my max heart rate was 162, as today I have been cycling for large chunks of it, but yesterday my resting heart rate was 62 and my max heart rate was 142, so even though my average resting heart rate was down on yesterday’s result, by 16, my max heart rate was up by 20, which just goes to show that when I do more exercise my heart rate falls, should that happen? My heart rate was 36 lower when I was doing exercise?

Spicy chicken was an interesting choice as even though it said on the pack it had garlic in Mich tried some, but he may not have liked it but he tried some of it, and he finished his dinner, at least I think he did, he said that it wasn’t too bad although it was hot, well he cooked it so what did he expect? Well I know that he meant as in it tasted hot instead of feeling hot which is 2 different sensations, the taste is much more bearable and somewhat pleasurable over the feeling due to the feeling forces me to move myself away from the heat source, in a flinching motion, dam my natural reactions.

Then I have also done a bit of cycling today, but it seems like it’s me doing all of the legwork, as my BMI is going down and Mich’s BMI is still going up, I know that on the first day of this trip it may have declined but ever since it’s increased, but I’ve got to rid him of his “beer belly” as I don’t particularly like fat, on anyone. Now so with all this talk about racism going on, with all of the (generally fat) SJW going on about how this society is built on institutions of racism of the old white man,well I’m not racist I”m fatist, not fatest.  

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