Sunday 3 June 2018

Day 1753

Day 1753;

19.95 was my BMI for this day, 22,334 steps which were 14.46 km and I had burned 2259 kcal today apparently, according to Wii Fit at least.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, pear, apple and orange.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread), chocolate chip shortbread and another thing but I have forgotten what.
Dinner: chicken, mushroom,potatoes, cheesecake, Tesco kit kat, banana and pear.
Drinks: fruit squash, fruit juice, cider, Lucozade sport (raspberry) and hot chocolate.
Snacks: chocolate chip shortbread.

Britain’s fat fight, is one fight that our good lady, Britannia, is losing. I would say has lost but that would give the better, more knowledgeable half, of me more credit than he deserves, or should that be “more credit than I deserve”? Because u know that I was typing in third person, and I know that the term “the better half” has been used to mean spouse, which is almost exclusively a female’s job to be a better half of their partner, I cannot remember a time when a heterosexual woman has used the term to mean her husband.

I remember a time before the obesity issue, from my time at primary school there was only 2 of the 31 students in my class that were fat, and then in the whole year group the number of fat students doubled while the number of students almost tripled. But back then the gender ratio was 3:1 on fat girls to boys, but then I have also done some more cycles today.

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