Saturday 16 June 2018

Day 1766

Day 1766;

19.43 was my BMI for today, my steps were 11,765 which was apparently 7.62 km and I’d burned off 1553 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: banana, apple, pear and some other things.
Dinner: lasagna, sweetcorn, lettuce, cucumber, carrots and some other things.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash and hot chocolate.
Snacks:  Victoria sponge cake.

Now a reason that I wanted to join a cycle club was to help Mich get fitter, as all of the cycling that we’d done on our lonesomes was working but in reverse, with our small rides. But today we have been on a small ride as a group and it’d worked a bit, I think, as his BMI fell.

But before the shenanigans on the tandem I had been to Boccia practice. I had next up gone on a cycle with a local cycling club.

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