Monday 4 June 2018

Day 1754

Day 1754;

19.62 was my BMI of today, I had walked 20,101 steps which was apparently 13.02 km walked, 1428 kcal burned, today according to my Wii Fit, but according to my watch I have only done 15,125 steps but I have managed to get 16 miles.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and orange.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and lemon cake.
Dinner: steak ‘n’ ale pie, peas, broccoli,runner beans, Tunnock’s waffer, banana, nectarines, grapes, pear, yoghurt and chocolate chip shortbread.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks:  chocolate chip shortbread.

So today my day started tasting usually does, from bed, but then soon after we’d eaten our breakfasts, and got dressed for the day, we went on a little cycle into town to get replacement stuff, like a wheel as we’d put a hole in one of the inner tubes so we were using the spare. After the short cycle we returned to the cottage that we were staying at.

Then we went on a walk, down to the station in orde to get the train to  some more of the places around, in order to go on walks, I just feel like admitting that I hate all forms of automotive transportation like trains, cars even boats, it may have something to do with the lack of focus I have whenever I’m in one, but I don’t know, as I get headaches when I’m traveling in them but I don’t when I’m focused on peddling the tandem, to get it to move.

 My Overactive Imagination has been thinking of things which could be if I was to get my beautiful friend pregnant, then I’d have to marry her, it’s just a thing that she wants (to get married to the father of her children, in order to give them the best life possible, her phrase not mine, but she has no problem with having sex outside of wedlock, such a shame that I have never been able to test). As if I got her pregnant I know highly improbable (I’m half willing to state impossible, as we haven’t even  met up in years, besides I don’t even know if she likes me that way), but the cottage that we’re staying at has enough capacity for 5 people which could be my potential 2 children, my potential wife, Mich and I, but then again if it was including children into the fold Tini would most probably like to come also, which would probably mean that she and my potential wife wouldn’t get along by the end of the holiday especially if Mich and I escaped for the days on the tandem leaving the two of them, both are not cyclists, to walk (which isn’t Tini’s favourite thing to do) down to the station and play on the trains for the day, as there is nothing else to do around here.

But then My Overactive Imagination asside we also had to cycle down to the shop in order to buy our dinner, which we did and we cycled back, but then we actually managed to get a personal record on our way back to the cottage, but we got none on the way down, sure we got a second place and a third place in personal positions but I had only been on the route twice previously.

Afternote: by the term potential wife I mean only as likely as a rainbow in hell, which is just below in the likelihood of it happening than hell freezing over, which is impossible as hell isn’t even a real place, but if It was it’d have been under ground so therefore where is the light sorcery for a rainbow to be refracted from? And the “way” that I was typing about earlier on was the way that two people “hookup” (I think that’s the correct terminology, for to have sexual intercourse).

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