Thursday 1 February 2018

Day 1630

Day 1630;

My BMI was 19,82, the number of steps that I took was 10,496, the number of calories I had burnt off were 1294 kcal and the distance I had walked was apparently 6.79 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: cheese and red current jam toastie and chocolate.
Dinner: chicken, chicken and something 
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice, dandelion burdock and cider.
Snacks: 3 mini chocolate rabbits, I think at least I think that they were leftover from an Easter Years ago.

So as a start for today I have been down for my breakfast, then I came back upstairs and I started doing sit-ups.

90 sit-ups, 
31 sit-ups,

Now I have been hearing a bit on the radio recently about Asians being no good at football, but wasn’t there that Jap, Honda I think his name was, that out shone quite a few of the Western nations footballing stars? I know that Japan is a great little island nation off of mainland Asia, but that is like saying that Britain isn’t part of Europe, which it is, it’s still a member of the EU also, for the moment at least. The EU isn’t Europe, the EU is a regimen Europe is the name of the land that it is placed upon.

10 press-ups,
10 press-ups,
30 press-ups,

So now was the time that I went downstairs for lunch to find that I’d have to wait a bit longer for my lunch. Now as I’d been an idiot and forgotten wether I’d brushed my teeth yet today, so I made sure by brushing my teeth (again?).

Then after lunch I went to the gym, and I had an hour and twelve minutes cycle on an exercise bike but the final twelve minutes was my cool-down period. 

Allergy and Tini have gone out, to separate places. Mich has returned and has taken my order for dinner, which he is going to collect in a while, I ordered chicken and chips as it was the cheapest thing on the menu.

40 press-ups,
50 press-ups,

So that’ll be my fitness done for the day, or it should be at least.

Then next up I ate my dinner, it was as mentioned above, a takeaway.

Then I did my body test, and now it’s time for me to brush my teeth. So I have done, but I can’t help thinking that I’ve forgotten something, something important.

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