Wednesday 31 January 2018

Day 1629

Day 1629;

My BMI improved slightly to 20.15 for today, my steps were 11,523, the number of calories I had burnt off today was 1103 kcal and the distance I walked today was apparently 7.43 km.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and a slice of cake.
Dinner: meat, carrots, peas, potatoes and I have forgotten the rest.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and cider.

Now today was a day when I told Tini not to waste petrol on me by driving all the way back here to drive me to the gym just to drive back to work again after she's done the above so I think I was having a bit of a lazy day today. I had done one ten minute jog before lunch.

But today I was getting nagged about my stepping habits, as it was apparently a ploy that was made up by the Jap's in the 60's or something like that in an attempt to get the population more active or something like that Menpo-Kei, or literally translated as ten thousand step-meter. But I like getting my ten thousand steps in a day,I's easy It just takes 1 half hour jog to get you to half way and if you do an hour there you go ten thousand. So that id just half an hour out of your lunch break, of jogging on the spot and then you can do a second half hour when you've got home, there you'll go.

37 press-ups,

Went downstairs to complete the washing up of my lunchtime pots.

53 press-ups,
30 press-ups,

Then I ate my dinner, I jogged on the spot for about hal'f an hour to get my daily steps up to a slightly more respectable number and I did my body test.

101 sit-ups.

So I've done my daily quota of press-ups and sit-ups.

So this night was the night of the second full moon of the month, but someone informed me that it was called a blue moon also, but then that same person told me that it was also a blood (red) moon tonight also, but it hasn't turned red, not for me at least.

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