Saturday 27 January 2018

Day 1625

Day 1625;

BMI of 19.89, by the time of my body test I had only done 1543 steps, 627 kcal and I had only walked 1.00 km. but then I had another little jog for about 1 and a half hour, I added the extra half hour on as I was only going slow, as I was watching Captain America: Civil War, again, at the same time. But I still managed to get up to 16,783 steps, I had burnt off 966 kcal and I had apparently, walked 10.87 km

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: cottage cheese with pineapple sandwich (white bread), grapes and chocolate eclair.
Dinner: sausages, mash, peas, carrots, Yorkshire pudding and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, dandelion burdock and fruit juice.
Snacks: strawberries, grapes, blueberries and white chocolate sauce.

So today was looking to be a standard lazy Saturday, with some boccia practice in the morning and a football game to watch in the afternoon, but the 

As the team I was part of won at boccia this morning, 9-1, I’m not expecting a good result for the football team that I support this afternoon, but I could be mistaken, as I am always not expecting a good result for the team that I support, so what did the fact that the I won in boccia this morning actually have to do with the football, nothing but I’m guessing that I just wanted to type it. Vanity it is pure and simple.

Now after I returned home from boccia, I did:
30 press-ups,
30 press-ups,
20 press-ups,

Now I have to state that I have just realised that the football game this afternoon is not one for me to watch, that’s next weekends games, I only realised that fact either after or during my lunch I think that I asked Mich about the football game, and his response was that the game that we are going to isn’t until next week, just before we set off to Italy.

I guess that means that I had my lunch after doing 80 press-ups this day, and I have no football to watch this afternoon, so what should I do this afternoon?

20 press-ups,
50 sit-ups,
50 sit-ups,
10 press-ups,

So I’ve just realised that I’ve got 1 and half hour, about, to play around before I have my afternoon snack. So let’s have me playing a bit on Skyrim for that period of time.

Then just after I realised the time I went along to eat myself a mid afternoon snack.

Then I have forgotten what I did for the interval time in between the snack and my dinner, but my dinner was very nice, thank you Tesco for that. But then while we were eating our dinner’s Allergy asked me to bring down the film Logan or failing that any film that had Hugh Jackman in, so I went and found out all of my X-men films and Deadpool, as I don’t have Logan. Allergy choose the Wolverine to watch thinking it was the origins story for the Wolverine... isn’t that the film which is called X-men “origins” Wolverine? Then she started going on about how she fancied the new Spiderman so, I bought down the newish Captain America (the Civil War one) which has the new Spidey in, so we watched it also.

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