Monday 15 January 2018

Day 1613

Day 1613;

My BMI was 19.92, the number of steps I had taken were 14,065, the amount of calories I had burnt off were 1268 kcal and my distance walked was apparently 9.11 km.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and orange.
Lunch: cheese toastie.
Dinner: spaghetti Bolognese and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and cider.

Now today I have been to the gym and in the gym session today I have been on the Lateral Trainer, Pec Fly/Rear Deltoid, Seated Row, Chest Press, Shoulder Press, Exercise Bike, Seated Leg Press, Leg Curl and I have gone on the Hip Adductor/Abductor, machines today so I spent about double the time that I usually do in the gym. Time I would like to say was well spent.

So far today in fitness outside of the gym, not as in just outside, I’m meaning as in at home, doing my exercises.  I did 25 press-ups, as a start. Then I did another set of 25, which makes it up to 50 so I’ve reached half way. After I had eaten my dinner I attempted my 50 press-ups again, I only managed 40 this time but I was getting really quite sloppy for the last about 5. I have just done 20 more press-ups to make up for the sloppy few, so I have done 110 press-ups today. I have just done 25 more sit-ups, before doing my final 35 for the day, to make it up to 110. 

Oh bugs I have just checked on my steps and it is low, it’s only at 5485, I need to do some steps quick. I thought that much as I went downstairs for a little jog when I got downstairs I found out that I had quite a bit more time than I first thought. So I had myself a pleasant enough 45 minute jog on the spot, then I went back upstairs for 110 crunches. 

So that’s my fitness obsession for today, but it has recently come to my attention that soon I’m going to have to stop doing my BMI daily as I am going off to Italy skiing soon, and weight restrictions from the plane Mich informs me that I am not going to be allowed to take what is necessary. I wonder if the place that I’m staying at has scales, because if it does, then if I can remember that operation I did in science to get my BMI.

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