Thursday 11 January 2018

Day 1609

Day 1609;

My BMI was 20.02, my steps were 11872, I had burnt off 1411 kcal and I have covered 7.59 km apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple and banana.
Lunch: cheese toastie, pickle, porkpie and then it was something else.
Dinner: chicken, croquet potatoes, carrots, peas and treacle tart with ice cream.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and cider.
Snack: 1 Jaffa cake.

I have been interested in fitness and I have seen a youtube video called 100 years of fitness in 100 seconds, or you ma ybe able to watch it below.

Now I've heard of stretches 1910-1920, but the next decade/1930's women's health and beauty? I'm starting to feel slightly alienated, within the 1930's was there nothing fitness related for men to do? I know they had a world war towards the  end of the decade for the men to get fit and die in, but anyway. 1940's glamor girls, another bit of female exercise by definition. 1950's hula hoopingI seriously suck at that discipline, I was reminded of that fact the other day when I tried it on the Wii. The swinging(more like spinning) sixties with the trim twists, 1970's next jazzercise√I can say that I have never done jazzercise but I think they may have had 1√lesson on jazz while I was in school (PE), finally the 80's aerobics I remember Tini used to have a couple of the shows on VHS, but that was before the cassette player broke. Tae Bo I can't say that I have really ever heard of that one before but it looks fun, maybe I'll try it out, some other time. Street dance now I have had a go at that before. Zumba? I know it's a big craze now and all shenanigans similar but I couldn't tell you a thing about it, apart from it's called Zumba.

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