Tuesday 16 January 2018

Day 1614

Day 1614:

My BMI today was 19.56, my steps were 11,914, the number of calories I had burnt off were 1419 and my distance walked was apparently 7.71.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, apple, banana and orange.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and Battenberg.
Dinner: sweet and sour chicken, carrots and croquet potatoes.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and cider.

“Song for Someone” by U2, has interesting lyrics, such as “you have a face not spoiled by beauty” as it could be a backhanded compliment, but I think it’s not supposed to mean that as I have been reading the internet and it tells me that it means something like your face is naturally beautiful, not spoiled by so many “beauty” treatments which may make you look like a Barbie (doll) they were big when I was properly young, and then when that Aqua song came out. So I know a few women that meet that criteria.

In fitness today I have done 4 sets of press-ups, 2 of 30 and 2 of 20, to make it up to my 100 for the morning. Then I went downstairs for lunch, but after I had eaten my lunch I did 25 sit-ups which I followed up with another 50 sit-ups, before Tini arrived back home in order to take me out to the gym.

Gym I thought it was a day for the exercise bike, so I didn’t write up a little routine for me to do, so Tina could just tick it off. But as I discovered just before we set off out to the gym, I wasn’t going to go to the gym tomorrow so I should have really got one written down, in my book. So that’s one of the reasons that Tini isn’t happy with me today. 

Afterward I had a shower relatively late on in the day, so I got changed into my pyjamas after I had my shower, then after that I had my dinner and I’m unsure of how it happened but I suddenly hiccuped and it was apparently like the “Christmas” I ruined and all of the wrongs of the world got placed where they should be, on my head, so I got the blame for everything, it feels good in a sadomasochistic kind of way apparently. But anyway I managed to avoid having to go to A and E on this occasion but somehow it’s all gone up in the air and down on I am no longer allowed to go to the gym with Tini. Which should mean that I am going to cancel my gym membership, as it would be a waste of money. As I appeared to choke on something, maybe food but I only had a whole load of phlegm poor out of my mouth, which wasn’t pretty, a colourless gue  coming out of my mouth.

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