Wednesday 3 January 2018

Day 1601

Day 1601;

Now my BMI was 19,66, I had made 10,292 steps, I had burnt off 1122 kcal and I had walked 6.66 km today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: cheese and pickle sandwich, grapes and something.
Dinner: beef, macaroni cheese and chocolate brownie trifle.
Drinks: milk, doctor pepper (zero), water and fruit juice.

Today I have been to the gym it was for another Wednesday routine, it seems like a very long time since I last did a Wednesday routine.

So I am aware that my New Years resolution was to get a properly defined set abs, no I ain’t given up on it’s just that I haven’t really got started on it yet, I mean I did 100 sit-ups on New Year’s Day and I did 110 more yesterday, but today I have done only 100 sit-ups and 100 press-ups.

I should start off doing a little Yoga or something different during the day.

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