Tuesday 30 January 2018

Day 1628

Day 1628;

Today my BMI was 20.05, the number of steps I had taken were 20,734, the number of calories I had burnt off were1288 kcal and I have apparently walked 13.43km.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: cheese sandwich(white bread), sausage roll and fruit cake.
Dinner: gammon, pickle, pineapple, runner beans, peas, carrots, potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, Lucozade sport (orange), fruit juice and hot chocolate.
Snacks: grapes and banana.

Today I have been to London, I like my walks around London as today by the time I had got back to the station that we went to London on, I checked my step count, it was already higher than 15 thousand and then when I sat down for my afternoon snack it was already up at higher than 20 thousand. But that may have been as I had also gone out for a little walk around a small portion of the town that I live in. 

First walk of the day was around London, which started at the station, I went to the hospital (to get my eyes all rat poisoned), I went to a shop that I have forgotten the name of but it was to get a poppy framed, and then it was time to get back to the train.
40 press-ups, 
40 sit-ups,

Then I took a break,

40 press-ups,
40 sit-ups,
20 press-ups,
20 sit-ups,
There we go that’s my 100 done for today, any more that I may do today are to be bonus, which is if I do any more today that is.

Now about today I have forgotten what I did, as I am thinking that it may have had something to do with playing Skyrim, but I cannot remember if I really did play that game today or whither it was a previous day and I’m just remembering it now?

But I had also forgotten what I had for dinner after the suspected game session, of it all I can remember was Allergy asking Mich the identity of the green vegetables that were on the plates and I think that he said they were runner beans and Tini confirmed it. Then from that I knew that I had some peas, carrots and potatoes, but I couldn’t remember what else I had ate. At least not until I remembered that I had some ham (gammon), and then pineapple rings, and pickle, I worked out, and remembered, from that then lemon meringue pie I finally remembered.

30 press-ups,
30 sit-ups,

The bonuses for today.

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