Tuesday 23 January 2018

Day 1621

Day 1621:

BMI of 19.92, steps were 12,178, calories I had burnt were 1292 kcal and the distance that I apparently walked today was 7,88 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: ham sandwich (white bread), porkpie and a berry muffin. 
Dinner: chicken, peas, croquet potatoes and apple plum crumble.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tea.

I’ve remembered today. 

30 press-ups,
40 press-ups,
30 press-ups,

So I’m back to where I was supposed to be yesterday morning for press-ups. Now all I need to do is 180 sit-ups, before I get back to doing my 300 more press-ups. Then I would be on the home straight, as could be said, with just 300 more sit-ups to do.

50 sit-ups.

But then I noticed the time, it was lunch time, so that I had to go to eat, my lunch.

After lunch I traveled round to the gym. At the gym I only did a half hour session on an exercise bike, 4 minutes at level 10, 3 minutes at level 20, 2 minutes at level 30 then I’d have 1 minute at level 40, repeat 3 times, as 4+3+2+1=10 and 30 divided by 10 equals 3.

50 sit-ups,

So I’m back to the place where I started yesterday from.

30 press-ups,
30 press-ups,

Now I have to do 240 press-ups and 480 sit-ups tomorrow.

Dinner time, I ate my dinner and then I did my body test, but my steps for today were appallingly low, they were some number just up from 3000 so I started a little jog which lasted about 45 minutes then by the end of my jog I was managed to get my steps up to 12,178 for today which was an achievement.

But by the end of my body test I decided to play on a bit of “The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim” as it arrived earlier. But I didn’t manage to get that far on it, I only made it to Skyrim, for the start/through the little training section where you start off with your head about to be chopped off then a dragon comes to your rescue.

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