Thursday 18 January 2018

Day 1616

Day 1616;

My BMI was 19.92, the number of steps that I did today were 10,868, the amount of calories I burnt off today were 1231 kcal and I apparently walked 7.04 km.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti with sausages, cookie and 
Dinner: sausages, carrots, baked potato and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk , water, tea and fruit juice.

So this morning, about 02:00, I realised that I had another tooth growing so that should be tooth number 31, it’s my third wisdom tooth, on the lower left side of my mouth.

Also this morning, but quite a bit later, by this I'm meaning almost lunch time, or was that when it started but then it finished after lunch, as I'm thinking that I drank my first mug of tea, in a while then, it was supposed to act as a remedy for this cold (virus) that I have contracted sometime earlier this week I'm thinking.

Now just afterI noticed my 31st tooth I attempted my 100 press-ups and 100 sit-ups for yesterday, I managed to get the 100 press-ups but I only managed 20 sit-ups, so tonight I've got to do better.

But ten what have I done today? I have gone on a walk, to the hairdressers, to get myself a little hair cut, then what did I do?√I went on the rowing machine and in 15 minutes I only got 3.8 km.

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