Friday 5 January 2018

Day 1603

Day 1603;

19.98 was my BMI, 10,298 steps, 1243 kcal and 6.67 km was how far I had walked, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, apple, orange and banana.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops with mini sausages on toast and something.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and something.
drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and Doctor Pepper.
Snack: jaffa-cake.

Today  I have gone out on two walks, the first was to the local shop the second was to see my GAK. But by time I had returned from both of the walks I still hadn't done enough steps, so I stepped my way through the football match that was on the TV tonight, Liverpool vs Everton. Liverpool won the match which saw them take the lead in the first half by means of penalty, which in my opinion shouldn’t have been awarded, as the player was outside of the box when the fowl took place, and the offender stopped handing the Liverpool player before he reached the edge of the box which the Liverpool player had stepped on the line.

I have also done my daily 100 press-ups and sit-ups, but I still haven’t done any yoga, or any other activity other than my walking for today.

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