Saturday 17 February 2018

Day 1646

Day 1646;

My BMI was 19.79, my steps were 16,848, my number of calories burnt off were 1337 kcal and the distance that I walked was apparently 10.91 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: cheese ham omelette, some mushroom omelette and something else.
Dinner vegetable lasagna and a caramel chocolate pot.
Drinks: milk, orangeade, cider and water.

Now today I have been out on the tandem for the first time this year, by the time of our return to the house Mich realised that we’d been locked out and the new “toy” that I had ordered had arrived, so we were stuck locked out of our home waiting for Tini to arrive to let us in, of which she did a short while later. But then I wasn’t allowed my “toy” until after I had eaten my lunch.

So my new “toy” was a new step counter basically but it does more than count steps, it even works with a bike, apparently as it is set up with GPS built in, so I will know how far I have traveled and all that shenanigans built in.

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