Friday 9 February 2018

Day 1638

Day 1638:

Fifth day of the ski trip but sixth day since I left home.

Breakfast: croissant with honey and biscuits.
Lunch: sausage with cheese toastie and apple.
Dinner: 4 course meal.
Drinks: fruit juice, 7 up and water.
Snacks: a couple of alpen cereal bars.

So today I had skiing and I actually won a little game that we all played, it was a game of cats and mouse. Now the game went as Mr M was the mouse and all of the rest of us were the cats and what we had to do was catch the mouse after we had given him a head start, so then I went as quick as I could within reason (by that I mean not bombing it downhill, keeping control) to catch up to him, so I set off on my pursuit, weaving my way in between all of the other “cats” putting as much weight forward I deemed necessary to close in on him (he thought I was doing 50mph at a conservative estimate, as if) so I got as close to him without colliding into him and then I had to decide how I should proceed in capturing him, as I didn’t want to get intimate with him I decided to tap him, then he’d know that I was there and captured, in effect. So I had captured Mr M mouse, there goes game won.

Skiing is all about the application of weight, your body weight could be immense but if you can’t use it correctly you could end up being the slowest on the slope. As if you have got two balls on the side of the mountain one weighs more than the other if you drop them both at the same time which one would reach the foot of the mountain first? Well that depends on the distance that is needed to be traveled by each of the balls and the different types of terrain that each meet on their travels, but assuming that both of the balls have a hundred meter tarmac surface going down a 23% gradient, then the ball with the greater mass will get down quicker.

But then there was a little thing being Pa’s funky games night which the team that I was part of actually won, with a score of sixty-one.

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