Monday 19 February 2018

Day 1648

Day 1648;

My BMI was 19.76, my steps were 13,860, number of calories that I had burnt off 991 kcal and my distance walked was 8.97 km.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread), porkpie and chocolate brownie.
Dinner: beef, peas and croquet potatoes.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and Tia Maria.
Snacks: Turkish Delight and Jelly Babies.

Now I have woke up, gone downstairs to eat my breakfast, had breakfast, once completed I have got changed into my gym wear, I have had my lunch before going to the gym for my new Monday routine, by new I mean as in it came out this year so I'd only been doing it for the month, and a week, up until I went off skiing and last week was my first week back doing some stuff at the gym, so this week was my second week, and I think the gym appeared easier this week over last week as I hadn't dome anything in the gym for the pat month.

Oh yeah, before I ate my lunch I had a jog (run) inside and I worked out how to set it up and stuff today, but I should really be getting to locating the skiing app as it's not long now until I go back to the indoor slopes.

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