Thursday 15 February 2018

Day 1644

Day 1644;

BMI was 19.58 so disappointing, and I eat everything now, I had done 17,939 steps, I had only burnt off 1091 kcal but I had apparently walked 11.61 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: pancakes with lemon sugar and pancakes with orange chocolate ice cream.
Dinner: turkey in bacon, peas, croquet potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and hot chocolate.

Now today I have been to the gym and I have been on Allergy’s trampoline as I am no where near coordinated enough to actually go on her trampoline properly, with the DVD and all that, I decided to have a jog on it instead, so I managed to get 2 30 minute jogging workouts so that should be my steps for today, which was as well as the 71 and a bit minute cycle I had on the exercise bike at the gym today.

So my I managed to get my steps total slightly high today and I should be getting a new “toy” for my step calculation/daily fitness shenanigans, I think, so I should be getting it slightly more accurate than on stuff that I will be doing, and it even could inform me how fast I’m skiing, apparently, but that I'll have to uncover for myself the next time that I go skiing.

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