Tuesday 31 October 2017

Day 1577

Day 1577;

19.76 was my BMI of today which was a slight decrease on yesterdays but my step count had improved, on about the same time yesterday as I had managed 9532 steps today by body test time but I managed to get yesterday’s 1step count to 0,255, after all of that jogging on the spot I did last night.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes (purple), strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: cheese (orange) sandwich (white bread) and 2 chocolate cake bars.
Dinner: cheese ham omelette, grapes (purple), strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.
Snacks: banana, strawberries, apple and grapes (green).

Now today I got up I went downstairs for my breakfast, then after I had finished that meal I went back upstairs, and I attempted to get my Mighty Ducks DVD working, all attempts failed. So I decided to look online for the film, which I found, on YouTube of all places. So I watched that first thing, then as I was getting carried away watching it I was told to get changed into my gym stuff as Tini was going to going to take me to the gym after lunch.

So I got myself ready for the gym then i went downstairs, to eat my lunch,then I have waited something like 3 hours until Tini got here to go to the gym. Then I have been to the gym I had another 30 minutes on the exercise bike and I managed to get it to 7.5 miles within 29 minutes 30
seconds which is off of my new target by some 4 minutes 30 but I met my old target of being able to ride at 15 mph for 30 minutes which gets me to 7.5 miles.

After I returned home from gym I was old to bring down a DVD to watch as there was supposed to be trick or treaters tonight as it is Halloween today but none of the trick or treaters turned up, so I decided to watch Resident Evil. Which I know is a bit tame but flesh eating zombies, shouldn't be. But I had to go and eat my dinner before the ending credits rolled √just ever so slightly I had just to the bit after Alice had escaped from the Hive. So I went back into the lounge after I had finished my dinner, and then tTini went off on one about how I had mucked up the carpet in the room. She also kept saying about ow she was going to leave and stuff like that, but then before now she has come to my room and stated how much of a scruf it is with me not having made my bed.

Monday 30 October 2017

Day 1576

Day 1576;

19.79 was my BMI of the day and I hadn’t even managed to get to 8000 steps by the time of my body test, as about the time of my body test I had only done just above 7000/I had a lazy day today, especially seeing how I only got a 30 minute “sprint” on the exercise bike this morning.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and apple.
Lunch: bread (white), butter, cheese (orange) and batternburg.
Dinner: chicken balls, chips, 1/2 tub of mango and 1/2 tub of pomegranate.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, tap water and sweet + sour sauce.
Snacks: 1/2 tub of mango and 1/2 tub of pomegranate.

The Mighty Ducks writing lines “I will not quack at the Principle” coach Gordon Bombay walks into the detention room says a few lines and gets some responses and then says “Are we ducks or what?” Now I had those lines of dialogue going through my head earlier on today, I can't tell you why but I did, it was a memory, what triggered it, if anything, I do not know.

Now today I have been on the exercise bike at the gym for half an hour, plus 6 minutes cool down. I only got 7.15 miles today which is 0.35 miles behind where I should be by that point. Today at 10 minutes I had only got to 2.3 miles, but if I had managed to keep going at that pace I'd have only got to 6.9 miles, which I'm guessing that I could take that as a consolidation, but I should be breaking 1.5 miles before 10 minutes, then 40 before 20 minutes and then I should have enough in these old legs of mine to smash down 7.5 miles  by about 25 minutes, so I've then still got 5 minutes to play around before the cool down.

The GMP has also been taken to hospital today, for a broken bone, at least I think it was today not yesterday, the days all seem to merge into one, for me it maybe something to do with my age. But why is it that people are impressed by my skiing? I just don't get how it's humanly possible, I was just doing as I was told, which was to keep myself to one side of the slope zig-zagging my way down.

Sunday 29 October 2017

Day 1575

Day 1575;

Today I got 19.82 for a BMI and I got 12,361 or there about in steps, which was almost entirely down to the cycle that we did this morning. As I checked my steps out on my thingamajig after I had got back from the cycle and it was stating that I had done 9675 or there about.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries.
Lunch: fish pie and chocolate trifle.
Dinner: fruit cake and batternburg.
Drinks: milk, tap water, fruit juice and Lucozade sport (orange

Now on this day we have been out on another little cycle this morning and we went skiing in the evening. So we have had an excellently active day. But in between all the activities I have been on the Switch. That’s the second day in a row that I have played on Breath of the Wild, or is it my third or even my fourth day?

Now also in between the two happenings of the day I was getting ready for skiing and Mich came into my room stating that he had found some real ski socks for me to wear, I signed that I thought they were Emu's, then he went off on a tangent about how he thought that they were socks and they didn’t have any gender specifications and all that rubbish, and there was I thinking how on earth did he get from my statement to being all defensive I didn’t sign that I wasn’t going to wear them because I thought that they are Emu's. As I did wear them.

Ok whilst I was at skiing tonight the F1 race was also being raced, and I watched some of the race on some of the televisions that were at the place of the skiing but I missed the start and I heard the conclusion of the race wile I was in the car on the way back to my home. As it seems to me that it was a racing incident on the first lap between the two leading drivers for the F1 world championship that took both of the drivers out of contention for the winning of the race, and doing so gifted Hamilton the drivers world championship. So the race spanned out pretty well for Hamilton in the end, even though he claims that Vettel drove into his car to give him a puncture and in the end he finished ninth meanwhile Vettel finished forth, which wasn't good enough to give Vettel any hope to allow the drivers championship to roll over for the final two races of the seasons.

While I was at the ski slopeI also saw a bit of Leister City's victory against Everton, under new management were both of the teams for today. But I have discovered what a festive feast was for the Savage's of old, as it wasn't a Turkey, it was a pheasant, which is probably because some of my old school ancestors were grounds men  so they'd have just ben able to turn up to work shoot it and then take it home to have for festive days lunch. But today I found it out because as Allergy is working on festive day, as she's a nurse, we shall be having the turkey on the eve so she can eat it, and as we are having all of the elderly people around on the actual day we  will be having the pheasant on that day, apparently. But I'm excited about this new taste if it indeed comes to pass.

Saturday 28 October 2017

Day 1574

Day 1574;

My BMI for today was 20.15 again, but yesterday I only managed 10,894 steps. but today I have managed 11,055 by the time that I did my body test.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: omelette,  banana, strawberries, apple and batten burg.
Dinner: fish pie and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk and fruit juice.
Snaks: Minstrels.

Now I have hone to boccia this morning, in the game I lost 4-1, but then the football team that I support won their game 3-1 tonight, just to wrap it up with numbers me and my buddy Charmander have walked 1.4 km out of 1.5 in order to get him some more Charmander candy, on Pokémon Go. Next upI'll have to do that 25 more times in order to get myself enough candy to evolve him into a Charmeleon,

Now my steps for today were at 6444until about 15 minutes before I had scheduled my body test so I decided to give myself a mad 15 minutes of logging, while I may not have managed to hold myself together in sprinting iit for a complete 15 minutes instead I managed to keep myself at least stepping for 15 minutes/nonstop motion for 15 minutes, but by the end of it I managed to get my step count up to a more respectable number.

Now the basic reason as to how I’ve been doing +10,000 steps per day since the start of this month and dmy distance walked on the Pokémon App is still less than 1.5 km,  is probably because I don’t cary my iPad with me everywhere I go, besides if I did it’d just pack itself in every time that I get too far away from the wireless router. I know as I have tried. So the only thing I can do is just wander around my home I cannot get any more Pokéballs as I have used all of them up. But I’m attempting to complete the Pokédex without catching any, so I won’t have completed it, I’d have just done an Ash.

Friday 27 October 2017

Day 1573

Day 1573;

My BMI is 20.15 for today, my step count when I was having a body test was only at 8168 however my kcals were around 1000 but now I have checked on my step counter it says that I have burnt off 977,

Breakfast: cereal, grapes (black), banana and apple.
Lunch: bread roll (white bread), hotdog sausages and chocolate trifle.
Dinner:pasta, meatballs, paste with orange and mango on top.
Drinks: Lucozade sport (orange), milk, fruit juice and tap water.

So today I have been to the gym, I’ve been on the exercise bike for an hour 12 minutes, but I was doing that alternative cycling today, not the level 10 flat out for an hour, I did that yesterday, but I know I only had half the time yesterday, but I almost got as far yesterday as I got today in an hour; as I only got 9.8 miles today.

In Breath of the Wild today I have completed another side quest, and I have also been playing a bit on Hyrule Warriors. But in Breath of the Wild, I have now completed 2 of the side quests today which was before my Switch needed too go on charge.

10878 steps to go with the 1072 kcals that I have burnt off today my gizmo is telling me now, after I have done a pleasant enough 15 minute jog around my room, and it was after I had already done my body test for the day. So I’m going to be wanting to check my step count for today tomorrow just to be on the safe side. But judging by my plans for tomorrow I don’t think I’m going to be able to get enough steps in.

Thursday 26 October 2017

Day 1572

Day 1572;

BMI for today was 19.85 and I had stepped 15,321 times today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes (green and black).
Lunch: omelette and Halloween doughnut.
Dinner: magaritta pizza, tiramisu and Halloween doughnut.
Drinks: milk, tap water and fruit juice.

Ok now today I have been playing on Hyrule Warriors Legends, yesterday I remember that I played a bit on the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but I didn’t get very much done on it.

Also I went to the gym for a speedy little 30 minute cycle, which I only managed to get up to about 7.2 miles covered by the end of my half hour instead of 7.5 miles which is my target, as if I managed to get to 7.5 miles in half an hour then that should mean that I’ve done an average speed of 15mph which is my target for when, like today, I’m not dealing with hills/4 minutes at 10, 3 minutes at 20, 2 minutes at 30 then 1 minute at 40. I did try to get it to go up some more levels but 40 is the exercise bikes max levels (at the gym that I go to). But today it was just a straight out level 10, 30 minute sprint, but I was on an exercise bike so it was a straight out level 10, 30 minute cycle as quick as I can, or it was supposed to be at least, I’m unsure if I managed to get it flat out for 30 whole minutes elsewise how was I still able to stand up on my own afterward?  

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Day 1571

Day 1571;

My BMI was 19.92 I think, and I had done 11,545 steps, by the time of my body test..

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries and grapes (black).
Lunch: sausage roll, monster munch, grapes (black) and a Halloween doughnut.
Dinner: chicken balls, chips and toffee apple crumble pie + cream.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.

Apparently I had done 6334 steps by just after 5pm, I should still get done another 30 minute jog, before the time of my body test. Now I have just done about a half hour jog around my room, the little gizmo has said that I have done 11,342 steps, at least I think it has. Well I can remember that it started with 11 then there was 2 more digits and it ended in a 2. So I hope that should be enough steps to get me to 10,000 for today, unless it should have done another 15,000 for today’s step count.

So today I have been to the gym for my usual workout thing for today, the one that starts with a 20 minute thing on the lateral trainer, then I spend another amount of time, which should leave me with something like 25 minutes, on some of the arm weight machines.

I have been thinking about the druids of old days today. But I have learnt something, about myself in relation to the druids, as you could have known the druids were like the village elders which we have in common, but the druids had a lot of language skills, apparently, which I am lacking in. They were also very knowledgeable about trees, of which I ain't really. I mean I would know a Silver Birch Tree from a Chestnut Tree, but that ain't difficult.

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Day 1570

Day 1570;

I had lost some of my BMI points today, I think I’m now down to 19.85.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and strawberries.
Lunch: ham sandwich (white bread), sausage roll and pineapple chunks.
Dinner: chicken casarole, chips, chocolate eclair, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and grapes.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and water.

On this day I have got a gym session lined up for the morning, then I will inevitably take a shower, but it’s what will I have lined up for the rest of the day after I have done that other than the obvious, which is eating my remaining two meals of the day. As I have already had my breakfast.

Now life before "civilianisation" on the British isles, was something that I envy. I'm sure they only may have managed to live until they were 25/30, but living a long life isn’t always a better life. As I have been thinking about the lives lived before the flood, the flood of "civilisation”/the Roman conquest of Britain. Back then their was no fear of death it was just a part of life, but that wasn’t the part that I was envious about anyway it was more of the part that they lived as hunter gatherers who never took more than necessary for a fully functioning animal kingdom/it was a good and balanced system which wasn’t wasteful unlike modern system which is wasteful, and destructive to the environment. The current system is unsustainable, thank you romans for giving us a government and all of the improvements that have come for our qualities of life since, but we had a sustainable system before  but since you killed off all of our druids, which functioned as far as I can tell as the law givers, the holly men, village elders, basically as a parliament but this one was based in Anglesey (Wales).

I had met 10,461 steps by about half four according to my step counter, so I should probably still need to get about 5000 more (well I should probably get another half hour jog before body test time). So off I go on another half hour jog around my room, when I'm finished my fitness gizmo says that I have done 15,882 steps today that should be enough. To have made it to my daily step goal before the time of my body test.

In between me typing the thing that I envy about the sustainable way of living of some of our forefathers (and foremothers if you wanted to be politically correct), and the part about Anglesey I had been on a 84 minute cycle across at the sports centre. which I did four minutes on level ten then three minutes level 20, two minutes level thirty before doing 1 minute level forty, for the first seventy minutes, before settling down at level ten for the final fourteen minutes. knowing that I managed to get an average speed of 10.5mph for the first hour.

Which would only be if you are of British decent, as I know that part of my families blood goes back in England but I'm unsure if it goes back far enough, as I know that I've got one grandparent that comes from Ireland another which has some ancestry in the forest of Dean. So I was using the term our generically.

Monday 23 October 2017

Day 1569

Day 1569;

My BMI was down to 20.18 today as I had only done 7044 steps, the plus about 2000 was probably from yesterday’s steps carried over, as I had done them after I had my body test.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and strawberries.
Lunch: cheese omelette and batten burg.
Dinner: tomato pasta, bread, toffee apple flapjack pie and cream.
Drinks: milk, tap water and fruit juice.

I have been to the gym earlier on today, I have only had half an hour ride on the exercise bike. With it being only one fifth of the time that I spent yesterday on the bike it should have given me a total number of steps about a fifth of yesterday’s bike ride, so that should have been something like 2000, but it was over 4000 steps that I had managed to have done by the end of the session, I must start to peddle harder the next time that I’m on the tandem with Mich.

So for then after lunch I checked my steps again I’m thinking that they were up to 8694 at my second check of the day, as I had been out for a walk around outside of the place that I live in. But my Pokémon Go app has just left me on 1.2km now from before I started walking round the garden, which must have been around 4000 steps and within those 4000 steps I haven’t even made 0.1km something must be up with my iPad.

But then after I had checked my step count, on the Wii, it was at 7044 for today which is 2956 behind where it should be. I should really step on it... dun dun dum, see it was a pun look how hilarious I am... not. So that’s it from me on humour I think at least, but today I have just made my way up to somewhere over 12,000 so that should probably mean that I should have to be taking approximately 5000 off my step count for tomorrow. Now stepping tomorrow until I manage to get upto 15,000 (at least if I want to have completed my step goal before my body testing time).

Sunday 22 October 2017

Day 1568

Day 1568;

My BMI was 20.32  and I had done over 13,000 steps, which was in no small part thanks to the 10,857 that I had done this morning cycle, with Mich.

Breakfast: cereal, raspberries, apple and banana.
Lunch: omelette and something I think.
Dinner: beef, carrots, peas and 5 profiteroles.
Drinks: milk, tap water, fruit juice and cider.

Now today I have gone on another little cycle, it was only a twenty mile ride but it took us over two and a half hours. Now I think that’s just how slow we have become on the tandem, but Mich was complaining about the wind. Saying that it was too windy today, something to do with a storm with a name.

Also there was another F1 race, which Mr Hamilton won but he wasn’t the best racer, today. As that was Mr Verstaphen who started sixteenth on the grid, and he found himself in first position after Mr Vettle's first stop. Now the race started, Mr Vettel got off his line the best overtaking Mr Hamilton on the first corner, it took Mr Hamilton six laps until he managed to get back past him, from then on it only looked like there was going to be one winner of the race, as Mr Hamilton kept adding seconds to the gap in between them. Until Mr Hamilton pitted that is, then Mr Vettel are Mr Verstaphan overtook. Mr Vettel then pitted after Hamilton and eventually Verstaphan did also but it wasn’t until Hamilton said already past Verstaphan. Hamilton won the race relatively comfortably by the end. But Vettel managed to get past his teammate to claim second as did Verstaphan, but not to claim second instead it was to claim third.

Saturday 21 October 2017

Day 1567

Day 1567;

20.18 was my BMI for today and before I had measured my BMI I checked my steps for today they were at something like 9457, which was diabolical I have to have some more exercise before the day is over.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: Swiss baked eggs, white bread, banana, apple and two pasteries (1 raspberry and 1 apple).
Dinner: chicken, carrots, potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, elderflower presse, tap water and fruit juice.

Now this morning I’ve had an exceptionally lazy morning, as I have gone to boccia practice, even J is starting to look more chubby, but that could be more related to school that she is back at now. At boccia there’s usually LaffV, J, Nut, Nat, Link, Icar and myself, LaffV is a chubby little boy who has just started up at J's school, J is a young secondary school aged girl, however Nut is more of my age, and she is stuck in a wheelchair, I’m unsure how true that statement actually is but it seems that way to my observation, Nat is a twig that looks out of place in his wheelchair but of the three wheelchair users on the team he is the one that has to use a ramp in order to enable him to play, next it’s Link whose our third wheelchair user, he is a funny but skinny little man, which brings us around to Icar, who is Link's big brother in more than just the age part but he doesn’t need a wheelchair, but he likes pushing his younger brother('s wheelchair) around. Then you’re got me, and I cannot speak so I’m useless at doing the captains stuff where you have to tell the other members of your team what to do when and all of that.

But I have checked my step count before the day is over and I had 11,895 steps, I think at least, well I can remember it having 11, then I think 8 then the next number I cannot remember but the final digit, 5 I’m sure I had reached. 

Friday 20 October 2017

Day 1566

Day 1566;

Today I had 800 kcal 9520 steps and my BMI was 19.92, which was an improvement on my result from yesterday, but in the grand scheme of things was still pathetic. But then I also did a small 15 minute jog around after my body test then I checked my total number of steps done today on Wii fit and it was up to 12,255 steps for today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: egg mayo sandwich (white bread), sausage roll, grapes (purple), blackberries, blueberries and strawberries.
Dinner: sausage casserole and tiramisu.
Drinks:milk, tap water and fruit juice.

So today I have been on the same exercise bike as I went on yesterday, to get 10.5 miles done in the hour that I spent on it, but today I don’t know how far I managed to get in an hour, as I accidentally hit the stop button at 54 minutes. But I know that at the half hour mark I was upto 5.25 miles which probably wasn’t good enough, as I’d have to do the same again but with myself being the bit more tired than the first 5.25.

Now today I have lost my step counter, but then I found it. Both of my gym gloves and my headband are stinking, as is the sausage casserole. That was being cooked for my dinner. 

I was so simple minded in the past, so you probably could say that not much has changed about me, but I used to think that the Venus Project could work, the Venus Project that I’m referring to is the project that is meant to save the world from turning into a Venus like planet, but now I have grown up and thanks to that one of my old school friends that banged my head with reasoning as to why it couldn’t work. The basic reason as to why it couldn’t work is because the human condition is too complex, as you know each with our own flaws and talents (or the lack of any in my case; I’m meaning talented, I lack any talent) but I’m thinking that I can still remember some of the plans for a city that they wanted to build which I’m thinking was going to be built in a circle having a lot of dorms for everyone to live in having a games zone, eating zone, library zone and other zone. I’m a bit unsure on what happened to all of the children that would be created, by having literally nothing to do all day apart from getting bored with reading, eating, playing and fucking as you’d have all the time in the world to get on with that stuff.

Thursday 19 October 2017

Day 1565

Day 1565;

My BMI for today was 19,71 and I had 17,123 steps accumulated by the time of my body test, which was good enough for today. As I’m thinking that it was recommended that you (as in everybody including me) should manage 10,000 steps per day, 

Breakfast: cereal, banana, raspberries and strawberries.
Lunch: ham sandwich and batternburg.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, turkey and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.

Steven Pinker is a fascinating bloke.

If you just click on the Steven Pinker Bank Slate pt.whatever part you are on +1 by the end of pt. that you finish so it should be pt.2 by the time hat you finish watching the one that I put there, if you would like to watch more and more than just an introduction at least.

But the above thing I have been watching as a response to the Venus Project/Zeitgeist movement as it was basically a lecture about human nature.

My wisdom teeth currently count two, which are the the two on the left hand side of my mouth but my wisdom tooth on the lower left hand side of my mouth is slanting over.

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Day 1564

Day 1564;

BMI of 19.85 and step count for today was 12,269 (by the time that I did my body test). So that was a slight improvement on my BMI, over yesterday’s.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and strawberries.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on toast.
Dinner: spaghetti bolognese, cheese, strawberries and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.

So I have gone to the gym today, for my usual work out of the week, with my gym instructor. Then I have had my lunch but I still hadn’t managed to get my steps up to ten thousand so I should be getting in a few more steps before I get any further today. Then I just attempted another little jog around the room that is in the back of the house that I live, by the time that I had finished I had totalled up over eleven thousand steps. So my target for this month in steps is looking to be well and truly beaten if I keep up the pace...

What else have I done today? Hmmm... that was it I’ve contacted a service about me getting a job, a real job it might have been some volunteer work but work is work and you may know whatever keeps me out of the place that I live in could be something great. But I don’t know, Mich had apparently heard of it beforehand, which wasn’t surprising as it said his employer on the list of employers that supported the service that I used.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Day 1563

Day 1563;

9600+ steps at the time I did my body test, but my BMI was down at 19.59 for today, then I did a small 15 minute or so long jog to get to my steps up to 12056.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes (green, purple and some green + purple), banana and apple.
Lunch: sausages roll and pizza pocket.
Dinner: sausages in Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.

Now my plans for a life have always been to get a job, but what should my job be? I have had ideas, there was one that I really liked and it was to be a person that creates computer/video games another idea was to become a postman, but my eyes aren't good enough for that job half of the time but I wouldn't be able to drive, I ain't Pat and I couldn't have a black and white cat. But apart from those few minor flaws I kind of like the idea of a postman’s life, just jogging around the town putting post through people’s doors or knocking on the doors to alert people that I have an item for them that I cannot fit through the letterbox. It'd be interesting on having to do that on Halloween, I wonder how many people I could upset on Halloween morning if I got a shift for that time? I’m betting not that many especially seeing how I can not speak.

But tonight we got a bit of a fright, as the football team that we support actually won, again in an away match, which should make that two games away from home won, just as it goes two home league games lost. But no I’m not meaning we as in you and I, I’m meaning we as in Mich and I.

I have two siblings they are, in age order, E + A, and they each have partners of the opposite gender who are respectively C + B. Now that means that A is with B and then E is with C, if you have a look at  the alphabet A... B... C... D... E... F... and so on, so if you look at vowels A, E which are the first two vowels and then the constants B, C which are the first two constants, so it looks like one and one and then it's also two and two.

Monday 16 October 2017

Day 1562

Day 1562;

My BMI was 19.79, as of today, and my step count is 21,628 as of now, when I'm typing. which should be a good help to see me get to my goal,  for the month.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes (green, purple and black), banana and apple.
Lunch: ham + cheese toasted sandwich and chocolate.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, potatoes and chocolate and caramel patisserie.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and fruit juice + lemonade.
Snack: a slice of batten burg.

The Nirvana song "Come As You Are" I been listening to quite a bit this morning, t has got to be one of my favourite songs certainly of the moment if not of all time, I know you could be saying that it’s not a song of the moment as the lead singer of Nirvana is dead as he has been for a long to now, so what I’d like to say their music still stands out today. As a great track,  and the lyrics to "Come as you are" have been running through my head recently.

Now today I was reading some more on Brexit, and it’s just Mr Junker saying what are you going to pay as an escape fee, basically, but I thought that Mrs May had already told them, with it being only the payment that is due to them, which should expire when they are making in a few years/when the current spending plan is up, which I think is fully reasonable, as it’ll be the last one which will have any input from the British, but I think they want more, I cannot fathom why they are insisting on getting more out of us, other than it'll be another way of balancing their books, as the only other net contributor to the EU is Germany basically. So they just have to not allow Geri to pay for all that the EU is up to elsewise you may get another situation like Austria of which the left leaning media has warned against. As they think "right" - Germany - nazis, so that is probably why the media was going mental about the AFD (Alternative for Deutschland) getting itself third place in the recent German elections.

But it's the Austrian governments elections that I believe is the most interesting, because both of there two largest political parties, they got 57% of the vote between them, are the anti EU party, now will Jeremy Corbyn attempt to cash in on this, or is he too busy pandering to the younger demographic, of generally retainers.

Now today I had a lazy day before about 2 O'clock when I checked my step counter, it was about at 1768. I was conceerned as even though I was going to athletics later today, which last week wasn't very athletic, but this week it was a bit more athletic, as in it actually had some running this week instead of just having throwing,So before athletics I had an about hour jog, outside, which was after I had a slightly quicker jog inside for about 15 minutes, which was the time I got told to go outside to do my jogging as I was making the inside look a mess.

Sunday 15 October 2017

Day 1561

Day 1561:

Today I think I got 20.08, and I managed 10,096 steps before the body test. Now I know I only just managed to scrape through on my steps for today, but today I wasn't worried (for lack of a better word) about making it to 10,000 steps, as I had been on an exercise bike this morning.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes (purple, black and green), banana, apple and strawberries.
Lunch: ham + cheese omelette and something.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, potatoes and something.
Drinks: milk and fruit juice.

Now today I have been to the gym in the morning, I was only allowed a 30 minute cycle, but I have also been attempting a couple of stretches at other times of the day, as an attempt to make myself more flexible, but it ain’t working on me... yet? I don’t know.

But today I have been playing on Pokémon Go, as it’s a half decent version but I have noticed there was a Squirtle down by the town pond, a Eevee down by the church and I’m thinking by a preschool there was a Hoot hoot. But I cannot actually get to any of them, at least I do not think, as my tablets wi-fi range is not that great. But I will have to try it out sometime in the future. But today I also got to evolving some of my monsters. But I’m still going to have to move Charmander around a few miles before I get enough Charmander candy to get it to evolve, into a Chameleon. 

Saturday 14 October 2017

Day 1560

Day 1560:

I have done 12626 steps, but the majority of those steps were probably done in the hour before my body test, the results of my body test was a score of 20.35.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: forgotten what I ate.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, potatoes and something that I have forgotten.
Drinks: milk and fruit juice.
Snacks: strawberries and apple (purple).

Now today I have had another lazy Saturday and this follows up from a lazy Friday, as I had done 1600+ steps yesterday but the kcals I had burnt off were only just up front 900, which is low, for me since I started this fitness thing.

I had only made one thousand five hundred and fifty steps at just before lunch time, so I must be getting a step on before my evening body test, as if it to be believed, and I have no reason to doubt it, I still have another eight thousand four hundred and fifty steps to do, but that may have been no problem to do on a normal day but now today I have got a football match to go and watch, which was a 0-1 defeat to the football team that I support, so no getting up to celebrate the goals, I only got some steps in on the way to the ground, as Mich parks the car a little way away and at half time, the rest of the time I was just sat there, watching the game.

So this morning I had some more boccia practice, and in the game, which was at the end of the session the team that I was part of was loosing 1-0 by the end of the first end, then we managed to score 3 on the next end, to make it 1-3 then it was the third and the final end we had used up all six of our balls and the other team still had some of theirs remaining and they had one ball still on the jack, but with my final shot I’d limited their scoring to one, until the player furthest to my left sent a ball which nestled in between the one shot that was holding and my shot, which gave them two more making the game 3-3. That is how the game ended in a tie.

Friday 13 October 2017

Day 1559

Day 1559:

19.95 an improvement on the previous days results. But my steps were up in the 16000’s which may have been lower than yesterday’s but it was higher than the day before it, which I had an equally low BMI on.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes (green and purple), banana and apple.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti, mini sausages, toast and something that I have forgotten (again).
Dinner: turkey, peas, potatoes, crumble (peach and cherry).
Drinks: milk and fruit juice.

Now today I put myself a pair of shorts on, as Mich said that we’d go on a cycle ride this afternoon, but it wasn’t to be. Instead we walked over the fields to go to the gym. As I was at the gym today instead of going on a cycle, I mixed up the routine, as I started on the hand bike for five minutes, next I went on the pec fly, then I went on a twenty five minute cycle before spending my first about three minutes on one of the chest presses (at least I think that’s what it was).

But earlier today I went for an hour long jog, on the spot, of which I had attempted to do earlier on but I had given up on it as I noticed that my bones were clicking so I decided to go and stretch/warm up then I gave it another go,, it had only helped a bit, but I took it and off I jogged, on the spot.

Mich was complaining about the coolness of the gym, it’s only cool as the people in it are there to get fitter, and you do that by using energy, one of the byproducts of using energy is heat. So if everybody in the gym is getting hotter the room is going to get hotter also, and what happens when you’ve got a hot room and a lot of electrical equipment in the room? Fires, so that is why the sports centre has to keep it cool in gym. I don’t think Tini ever complained about that temperature of the gym, Allergy probably has but now Tini.

By the way I hope you all had an excellent Friday the thirteenth today. On the radio today they were talking about a band from years back, Oasis, the Gallagher brothers, it was as for the first time since the break up of the band Liam Gallagher has made it to number one in the charts, at his first attempt also. But his brother, Noel Gallagher, has only managed to get to seventieth in the charts and he has had many attempts already apparently. But with Liam Gallagher I thought his stuff had been released ages ago, it’s probably because of the nostalgia factor and I used to like the old stuff, like Wonderwall, so when I was listening to it it took me back.

Thursday 12 October 2017

Day 1558

Day 1558:

17621 was my number of steps that I have done today, my BMI has stayed constant from yesterday though at 19.89.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes (purple), melon, apple, watermelon and orange.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and something else.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, peas, potatoes, crumble (peach and cherry).
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, dandelion and burdock.
Snack: one carrot.

It was Issac Newton that witnessed an apple falling from a tree, and noticed that a force must be propelling it. Of which the force was named gravity. Some profound stuff from Issac but when I saw an apple fall from a tree, when I last went out on the tandem, I just thought that it’s one for the fruitarians. Fruitarians are the people that’ll only eat a fruit if it has fallen, aren’t they? Anyway it was something that Allergy was being quite serendipitous in talking at/to me about I’m thinking yesterday.

Now what I want to know is would a vegan eat my corpse after I am dead? Now just as your all probably shouting at the screen, "no, what are you thinking they are vegan. But I have an Adam’s apple, and I might put it in my will for "friends”, family even the homeless to have a feast on my dead body, as I have been working hard on my fitness, it’d be a shame for all the work that I have done would be going to waste. I already know that my blood tastes excellent, well it did the other day, it tastes sweet. If my bloods tastes is anything to go by then a couple of roast arms should taste more like candy than a tough lump of chicken.

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Day 1557

Day 1557;

So today my BMI was 19.89 and the step count was 11266 about the time that I did my body test, which is still on track for a total number of steps of greater than 31000 for this month.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes (green and purple), apple and banana.
Lunch: meaty pasty, monster munch and 4 doughnuts.
Dinner: chicken balls, sweet + sour sauce, chips, strawberries, grapes (purple), blackberries and blueberries.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, tap water and ginger beer.

So this morning I have started my day by doing some stretches, and seeing how I haven’t broken any of my bones during my morning stretch I’ve decided that it was a good thing. So much so I have decided that if I was to do the little exercises every day from now it would only help my chances. My chances for what you may ask, well I don’t know to be honest but it’s going to be interesting to find out.

At lunch time I went to the gym for a bit of an arm work out, and I went on the lateral trainer, for the small bit for my legs. Then I returned to my place of residence and I ate my lunch, Allergy was talking about turning vegan, because she wants to loose some weight. That’s the thing about vegans, the majority of them are skin and bones as they can’t find very much food which says it’s suitable for vegans as the current fad for veganism has got the shops running out of vegan produce.

Up next was my next two 20 minute rows but I did them hours apart. As I was being lazy in between the two 20 minutes.

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Day 1556

Day 1556;

20.08 was my BMI for today, which came as a bit of a shock, as I had just eaten a meal of pizza and chocolate orange profiteroles at a little like pub place.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple , raspberries and strawberries (I think).
Lunch: 2 halves of sandwiches and sausage roll.
Dinner: pizza and chocolate orange profiteroles.
Drinks: milk and fruit juice.

Now I like Rollerball as a sport, just the skating around the figure of eight track to band a gong with the metal ball to score, seems fun to me. Now you could get rid of the motor bikes and the jumps so you'd just be left with a figure of eight track in a hall with a metal ball released every so long after a gong has been sounded, and the object of the game is to race around the eight twice before you can score once. The oppositions purpose is to stop the team from getting the ball around the eight by steeling the ball and attempting to get the ball around the other way, to score by striking their opponents gong. But

But I am thinking that I’m useless at using words, to describe anything I’ll attempt to make a better presentation of the new hobby/sport sometime soon, but before that I still need to inform you people about the day that I had today. Today I have had to go out in the evening as we went out to eat at a pub like place for our dinner tonight. But before that I had gone for an hour long jog around and I had also done my PSCS routine, but I’m unsure if I did thirty minutes on the rower today or not as I can remember Mich telling me to do it last night, but if I actually did it today is anyone’s guess. So that should mean that I’ve got 40 minuets to do tomorrow, on the rower. 

Monday 9 October 2017

Day 1555

Day 1555:

20.15, I think, wasn't really that much better than yesterday's result, but it was better. Also I got over 10,000 steps which is my daily target 11,492 was my total from just when I was about to post this.

Breakfast; cereal, grapes (purple and green), banana and apple.
Lunch: spaghetti, toast mini sausages and a Belgium bun.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk and fruit juice.

What is Gordon going on about? Scotland are just not genetically cut out for football? Football is a man made game of kicking a ball around a pitch, sure you may personally have some adaptations which better equips you for playing, of which are natural, like the seemingly natural way that people play. But pure natural ability only gets you so far, each of the individuals have to keep working on their game to improve and thrive. Then if they each improve to a high enough level then they may have a shot as a team.

Catalonia is attempting to get their independence, of which their separate government now have a mandate for as the results of the illegal referendum on Catalonia's independence have been counted, I think. Surprise surprise was it’s gone to the only people that voted, the leavers. As the remainers probably didn’t want to get abused by the Spanish authorities. It would be like if the UK had done that to the Scottish people at their last referendum we’d probably be free of the Scot's by now, but no we've still got the irritating SNP banging the drums for their independence from Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Typing of Northern Ireland will the South manage to beat the Welsh in order to secure a qualification spot along side the north, and denying the Welsh a place in the final qualifying round, play-offs, which could see them come up against north Ireland.

Today I have gone to athletics in athletics today I have ran around a bit, attempted a couple of long jumps and attempted to throw a stick (fake javelin) which I suck at, the bit of running around wasn't actually part of the athletics thing,  it was just some stuff that I did at the beginning of the athletics session.

So the only team from from the UK that has got to the World Cup next year so far is England... and that's it. at least until the next two matches take place, then there is only one more team that is from the home nations (Northern Ireland) that can still qualify, as Wales lost to the Republic of Ireland (/IRE) 0-1, as the commentators were saying before the match Wales hasn't been behind in any of the matches in this qualifying campaign, which meant no losses, and the first loss of the campaign came at the critical time, so it looks like the Welshies and the Scots both bottled it, and threw both of their prime opportunities to go to the 2018 World Cup in the proverbial bin, at the last time for asking.

In actual fact the final matches on the qualifying campaign haven't been very good for any  of the four home nations. I know that England won their game but the manner that they did it in wasn't very impressive. Then Scotland managed to pull off a draw with the team that they were playing yesterday, but that result wasn't good enough to put then into the play-offs. Then there was North Ireland who lost they're√last match, but they had already done enough to qualify for the play-offs, then in the final match betters Wales and IRE which was a defeat for the Welshes putting IRE ahead of them in the group.

Sunday 8 October 2017

Day 1554

Day 1554;

20,11 which I am confused about, as today I know that I made it to 1200+ steps as I went out on the bike for a 25 mile ride (approximately), and I'd had a 10 minute row.

Breakfast: banana, raspberries, apple, strawberries and cereal.
Lunch: chicken, carrots, peas, Yorkshire pudding and something else.
Dinner: scrambled egg on toast.
Drinks: milk, dandelion + burdock and fruit juice.

So I have got a plan for today, it's to do something constructive to hopefully further my understanding of the conundrum which is called life.

Well that was my plan of what I was to do, today, but it didn’t work out that way. I instead started off by watching the Grand Prix, which Hamilton managed to scrap a win out of the race dispite picking up "good vibrations" towards the end of the race which almost cost him the drive. As the winner of last weeks Grand Prix/Verstaphan was catching him up on the final few laps. But Vettel's car broke down again, so that makes it two retirements in the last three races and then in the last race he had to start from the back of the grid due to some mechanical fault with the car. I thought that Ferrari's were supposed to be one of the best around the track.

After the race we went on a cycle, it was to a little forest which isn’t very far away from the place that I live, then I watched the the home nations dispare as England, who were already qualified for the World Cup next year played a disappointing display against another team and Scotland were denied a place in the World Cup qualifiers but then Northern Ireland lost the game they played tonight but they still managed to make the qualifiers.  

Saturday 7 October 2017

Day 1553

Day 1553;

20.40 I think was my BMI of the day and for a lazy day I managed to get 14500+ steps in today, the majority were probably done in the 50 minute jog, on the spot (basically), I did just before but anyway.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: Swiss baked eggs, bread (white), strawberries, banana, raspberries and battenburg.
Dinner: sausages, yorkshire pudding, carrots, peas, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, dandelion and burdock and non-alcoholic cider.

Yesterday I noticed the pimple that was on my nose had changed colour, and it had got somewhat irritating, so I pointed it out to Mich who preceded to attempt to burst it, anyway the attempt apparently went by getting some puss out of my nose but then blood came out, it was a failure I think.

Today I have been to boccia in the morning, then on the way home we called at Tesco, I pushed the trolley around the shop as Tini packed the trolley, then we returned home as we had returned home I decided to go for a forty minute row, and Tini said that I should have left it until later as I had football to go to later on today, but I just thought that was why I was going so slowly at it, as I only managed 1515 strokes in 40 minutes today.

But the football team that we support actually managed to win the match that they played today, which makes it two wins in succession, first it was their first away victory of the season and then today they won at home, in the league, in between their was another match that they also won, on penalties apparently but it was a cup match, so it doesn’t count. Apparently the team they beat was one of the favourites to get themselves promoted to the higher league by the season. But they still could as there is still something like 16 more games to play, which is a maximum of 48 points up for grabs.

Friday 6 October 2017

Day 1552

Day 1552:

BMI was 20.08 and my steps were 10714

Breakfast: cereal,banana and apple.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti,sausages, toast and something.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, potatoes and lemon merengue pie.
Drinks: milk, tap water and fruit juice.

Now today I have been for a walk this morning and this afternoon I went out for aa cycle, then after I had finished the cycle I checked my step count it was up to 9937 so I had myself a jog on the spot, while I counted up to 63 in my head which gets slightly irritating when I'm on 34 and in my head it says that i'm on 43 so I go back to 34 and i attempt to get to 63 the correct way, i.e. 34 35 36 and so on.

But within my daily fitness today I have done another 20 of my PSCS routine. but I haven't done any of the 30 minutes on the rower today, so I guess it means that I sould be doing 40 minutes tomorrow.

Now today I know I have been lazy, but last night I witnessed England's male football team play badly but they still won the match. Isn’t that what the commentators have been saying that England needed to start doing? As in the past England have played some brilliant football but they have lost the games, I think it’s what they call grinding out the results. That England win has qualified England for the World Cup next year. It came after Scotland had taken the lead in their match to take second place in the World Cup qualifying group. But today Wales managed to win to take second spot in their respective group and Northern Ireland lost their match yesterday to Germany 1-3 but they had already secured the second position in their group, then the final team that has some relevance to me, is the team from Southern Ireland/Republic of Ireland but they’re currently third in their group 1 point behind Wales so they have got to beat Wales in their final qualifying group game which would knock Wales off of their second spot in the group and it’d then put the Republic up to second spot for qualifying for the World Cup.

Thursday 5 October 2017

Day 1551

Day 1551;

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: cheese roll.
Dinner: chicken, peas, potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, tap water, fruit juice and ginger beer.
Snack blackberries, strawberries, blueberries and grapes (purple).

Now first up today I have eaten my breakfast, which was quick for today as it was only a bowl of cereal. As I had finished my breakfast in double quick time this morning I decided to get on with my PSCS routine of which I did double of, then I went for a little row, when I stated little I meant it this time as I only did a 10 minute row, I didn’t double it. Which was a bit of a shame in reality as I probably should have trebled it as well I missed out on doing it yesterday. But that was my morning, next it was time for lunch and then gym.

So at the gym today I only did a thirty minute cycle on the exercise bike, as Tini's battery for her phone wasn’t charged enough to allow me to go for any longer but I had my jog around the place that I live. It was for another fourth five minutes, so my steps for today were up past 13,000. Now the reason I want to get fit so badly is... I don’t really have one, but the thing I stated a while back is a good one, a bit unrealistic but a good reason nonetheless. As it was to enable me to compete at the Japanese Winter Paralympics next year, which I somehow don’t think that it’s going to happen, as in four months I think will be the time that I’m going to Italy skiing which will be my fifth experience of skiing outside on real snow, I think, and I don’t even have a classification yet, for winter sports but I do have one for summer sports. I think it’s something like T36 and F36. But that aside I don’t even know what I’d be doing if I was entered, as I have been told that I’m a freestyle skier, as I ski forward/backwards, when I stack it I get back up, and I even try jumps which I thought was all part of the course when skiing is involved, every skier must have stacked it at least once, else wise your not trying hard enough and what do you do when you stack it? You get back up, the same goes for the other stuff + every skier that you meet you may think what a pleasant person they are off the slopes but when they get on the slopes they are a completely different person.

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Day 1550

Day 1550;

Today my BMI was 19.94 it’s moving in the correct direction, I’m still looking for my man boobs, as a while ago I remember reading somewhere something that a friend wrote about drinking milk leads to man boobs.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes (green and purple), banana and strawberries.
Lunch: chicken + ham panini.
Dinner: chicken balls, chips and a salted caramel chocolate pot.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.

Now today on my steps I had only done just under 5000 steps by the time that I had got home from the gym, and I decided to check again when I had finished my little jogging which was for about 45 minuets and my step count for today was up to 12000+, so that little jog around must’ve really packed in some steps for me.

But today I realised that just jogging around the house as I did today does the  burn off that many kcals, as when I was at the gym earlier on today I burnt off over 700 kcal's according to my step counting device and then again after I had done the bit of jogging it only said that I had burnt off just over 200 kcal's so I was thinking that I’d be having to go on another little jog to get my step count up, but to my surprise it was up over 12,000 which was an increase of about 7-8 thousand I thought it couldn’t be that much and I still don’t believe it. But I probably should as my weight BMI number week up from yesterday to today and unless the steps that I did today suddenly decided to turn into muscle today instead of doing whatever they want to do with me, mainly been decreasing my BMI, but I am unsure about it.

I have completed my 20 PSCS also today but I haven’t done my 10 minute row, so that was a bit of a letdown for today, maybe it could account for the weight gain? But I don’t think so as I have gone to the gym today also.

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Day 1549

Day 1549;

19.79 was my BMI of this day and I didn't even make my step goal for today, at least not by the time, that I last checked for today, maybe I'll have done the final 221 steps needed for today by the time that I check it tomorrow? But my little step counter thing says that I have done 10098 steps today, if I've read it correctly.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, grapes (green and purple) and apple.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti, sausages, and something.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, potatoes, strawberries and chocolate.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.

Now today I have done my row, on the rower, and I did better today as I managed to get up to 467 strokes I think; well I know it started with a 4 and I think it ended with a 67, but I’m thinking that I have realised what I was doing wrong in my strokes, I may not have been extending my arms long enough.

Next I ate my lunch, then it was before√I had finished my something when Tini arrived she told me to get myself ready as I could go to the gym, but don't rush as she has still got to make, and eat, herself a sandwich first, So I had gone upstairs to wash my hands and face, before getting my gloves on, which took me ages today. so long Tini said that I'd only have enough time to do a 30 minute cycle and then a 6 minute cool down, but then when I was about 20 minutes of the way through Tini checked her watch and said that I could do 45 minutes with a 9 minute cool down cycle instead, so I did. Within that 54 minute cycle I only managed about 9.2km, I think.

Then I decided to attempt 20 more of the little PSCS routine, so that was done. Following this or it could be that I have got these muddled up, I ate my dinner before taking a body test, I got my age +12 today, all because I can't blow.

Monday 2 October 2017

Day 1548

Day 1548;

19.89 was my BMI of this day it is a deplorable sign that I’m still not doing enough to get myself in tip top shape.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, grapes (green and purple) and apple.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and something.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, potatoes, Yorkshire pudding and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and Lucozade sport (raspberry).

Now today I have been having a relatively lazy day, at least until I went out to the gym, for another hour cycle on the exercise bike. By the time I had done that I went back home and I had a shower got changed into my pyjamas then I checked up on my step count and my step count was 9909, so I decided to go on the rower for 10 minuets and my stroke count was 396, at least I thought it was, anyway a pathetic score from a pathetic thing. I was wondering if it would anyway convert my strokes into steps, I didn’t think so but when I next checked my step count was 10015 so it didn’t convert strokes into steps, at least not directly.

But I had also got another 20 PSCS in early on today, it was in the morning before lunch. So therefore before I went to the gym. But then after I had ate my dinner I played more on Resident Evil: Revelations, but that Norman fellow isn’t the easiest to kill. Norman the head of Veltro, we wasn’t dead after all, he was just waiting down under the sea in the Queen Dido ship, sunk by the ruins of Terrorgresia.

Sunday 1 October 2017

Day 1547

Day 1547;

So today was the start of a month, and my step total for this month is 310,000. How well have I done as a start? Well today I had made 11273 steps by the time of my body test, and the results of my test were 19.98.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: lamb, carrots, peas, potatoes, Yorkshire pudding and apple pie.
Dinner: fruit cake.
Drinks: milk and fruit juice.

Now today I have got myself up at the same time as yesterday, at least I think it was yesterday that I set my alarm to awake myself. But today the reason that I set my alarm wasn't to get me up for sitting around playing boccia, which was my reason yesterday, but instead it was to sit around watching the motor racing. But one of the good parts of getting up early is that it gives me extra time to get my Press-ups Sit-ups Crunches and Squats (PSCS) in for today, so I got in my first 20 of PSCS done before the motor race.

So I’ve watched the motor race it was an interesting race seeing how far off the pace set by Max, Lewis was as Max overtook Lewis, and never looked like he was going to relinquish first spot, apart from when he took a pit stop and Riccado took over the lead meanwhile Lewis was in third after taking his pit step then Ricardo took his pit and retook his place as third, but Lewis managed to open up the gap on Vettel slightly as Vettel was the standout driver of the day, from my perspective at least as startling from twentieth of the grid which was effectively nineteenth as his team mate's car wouldn’t start who had qualified second. Vettel managed to get up to fourth on race day which was one up from Lewis's team mate, Bottas, it was an excellent drive in damage limitation, by the Geri, unfortunately after the race he ended up by running into another car in doing so he severely mucked us his car.

Quiet and Keith also got killed off in Resident Evil: Revelations, But before they were bumped off they managed to send their findings to O'Brian, but now O'Brian has just  been arrested by the FBC, who is the organisation that is attempting to... I don't actually know what are attempting to do, all I know is I have to stop him as he had something to do with the Terrorgrisia Panic, which was basically a revolutionary new city which got infected by the T-virus, thanks to Veltro, then Morgan Lansdale, the leader of the FBC just gave the order for the cities destruction. Which destroyed Veltro and the T-virus but then the virus hasn't been destroyed. But then Jill got herself injected with an anti venom.

Then I haave also been on Mich's tandem today we were hopeless today as well but we weren't as hopeless as our las ride, as the ride that was before this one we only got one third but today we got two thirds.