Thursday 31 August 2017

Day 1516

Day 1516;

20.24 I had gained a pound in weight but that was from doing practically naught for the complete today, as I have had my friend around this morning after that I haven't done anything else, at least naught of any significance since.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and strawberries.
Lunch: coronation chicken sandwich (white bread).
Dinner: ham, eggs, potatoes, pickle and some lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and the remaining liquid from the 450ml bottle of nonalcoholic cider from yesterday.

Today I have been expecting my friend to come over to the place where I live. Of which he arrived about an hour later as he missed the bus that he was getting, and he's told me today that he hasn't missed a bus for work or anything that he would be happy missing for a day, never taken a sick day either, but he is almost constantly missing busses or being ill on days when he's organised to come around to my abode.

Then when he had arrived we played chess a number of times I'm thinking that if I could actually remember all of the hints that he gave to me while we played I would probably be quite considerably better at chess, like I can remember 1 of the hints he gave me, it was to target the opponents weakest points which are literally the spaces where they have got solitary pieces on their own with no other pieces as backup basically, which is basic, but I'm thinking that he must have given me some more advise that just that, but I cannot remember it, as next up we were attempting to get it to "fools mate" which is checkmate in basically as few moves as possible. Which we got there in the end, it may have been thanks to Wikipedia, but we still managed to get there.

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