Wednesday 2 August 2017

Day 1487

Day 1487;

BMI for this day was something like 20.34 for today, which is down a bit on the last result.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch:  sausage roll and ham sandwich.
Dinner: tomato pasta, cheese and a chocolate eclair.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

What if homo bovine was the dominant species on this planet? 
Then males of our species would probably be driven away to the slaughtered houses to fill up McDonald's burgers and the females would be impregnated and then milked.
I'm fine with that, especially if we hadn't developed our brains to the current level. But even if they had it'd just be the circle of life in action.
We eat the grass,
We get bigger,
Our masters,the homo bovine, eat us,
I know it may not seem fair to you, but if I have had a brilliant life up until that point, or I in part at lest owe it to the farmer that's kept me safe and fed all of the years of my life prior to the point of my execution, even if I have had a terrible life I'd be glad to get it over with. It's kind of like the reason that Tini was late for collecting me from the gym earlier today, which was as an old man had driven into the car next to Tini's car in the super market car park, and my immediate thought was that's good he didn't drive into yours. 

Which could be seen as a pitiful thought as what would your immediate thought be? Would it be for the wellbeing of the drivers involved in the incident, it probably should shouldn't it? But not mine.

Well as you could tell from the previous little interlude into my head, that I did go to the gym today, I went for a more or less usual gym session but instead of ending it on the exercise bike I finished it n a leg weight machine but I could only lift 125kg on the leg weight machine, which is apparently good for my age as the man in the gym told my PT that I should be lifting from about 95-105, apparently. But today I lifted from approximately 85 to 125, but I tried lifting 135 but it wouldn't budge.

I need to get stronger in my legs once more. Why don't I try skating again, that is ab excellent way to get more strength in your legs. 

But my PT was proud of what I had achieved the other day on the bike ride, apparently, but I didn't seem to be able to perceive an emotion from him except him being pleased for me. Then again I don't have a very good barometer when it comes to emotions. 

Then later on this evening I did my body test, I drank another drink, went to the loo, washed my hands and I brushed my teeth. Now I have been in my pyjamas for the most of the day to save on washing my clothes as I have only been out once today, and that was to the gym, but when I get back home from the gym I have to have a shower then I got into my pyjamas after my shower as I wasn't planning on going out for the rest of the day.

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