Wednesday 31 May 2017

Day 1424

Day 1424;

21.09 so it was another increase by 0.03 on yesterday's result, at this pace I should have got close to perfection in 30 days and then I'll be needing to gain 0.01.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes (purple and green), banana and apple.
Lunch: bread and butter (white bread), pork pie and a little bit of a cake (I think).
Dinner: steak pie, peas, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mug of milk, 4 300ml mugs of fruit juice and a few squirts of some Lucozade sport (Brazilian Guava).

But I know that I'm moving in the opposite direction to how I stated the other day in relation to my readyness for the bike ride, but I am trying my hardest to get myself fit enough so he will just be able to sit there and enjoy the ride, as a passenger basically, but he'll have to steer and all that. Like yesterday on our cycle when I put my head down and just peddled, yesterday he told me that I just needed to do that for the complete 8 hours or however long that we'll be in the tandem in this 100 mile ride. Which if we average traveling at 12.5 mph we should make, and Mich told me, I think it was yesterday that we'd managed to get up to an average speed of 13 mph, which should do us in good stead for the ride, at least I hope (but that is from going down and up hill I haven't got any experience at riding in any of these sponsored cycles, but I'm thinking that Emu and Mich did do one many years ago I can't remember how much input into that cycle I had, if any. But that reminds me that Emu and C, are to be doing a shorter ride, than us, but it is for the BHF, I think, anyway it's the London to Brighton bike ride.

But now I just want to state my disgust at the other major parties for the contempt that they were holding the leader of UKIP with on the radio broadcast debate, as they were all chipping in on damming the UKIP leader for his "racist" stance of which his "racist" stance I couldn't hear any of the supposed racist remarks that he made. But I think I know why they do it they just use it as a buzz word to discredit everything that he's said and if he had defended himself from the remarks of the more mainstream parties, they'd just have ganged up on him even more, he made it clear that the main branch of terrorism that we are facing is Islamic extremists, and the rest of them in the studio jumped on him by saying that not all Muslims are bad people, and I was metaphorical banging my head on a brick wall, while thinking he said extremists, which means the extreme members of the group, so obviously not every Muslim, that's like me saying only the extremists among the savages eat people then getting slated for supposedly stating that all savages are cannibals, where's the justice in that?

But today in Hyrule I have uncovered a chest with an opal in, I have found another Korok and I have got another flame rod? Thing that was dropped by a fire wisrobe after I electrocuted him.

But today I have been to the gym twice, the first time to have the usual Wednesday routine my second was my 35 minute cycle with 7 minutes cool down. But the second one for today was a bit of a disapoihtnent. But I really need to do better with my bike exercises, if I'm to stand a chance at pushing Mich around that 100 mile course on that future date.

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