Tuesday 30 May 2017

Day 1423

Day 1423;

21.06 was my BMI of today which was an improvement on my BMI, if I was still going for a perfect BMI but as I am now wanting to go to reduce my BMI as much as possible to reduce the effect of my weight on Mich for the 100 Mile ride that I will be partaking.

Breakfast: cereal, gala melon and pineapple.
Lunch: mini sausages, mini scotch eggs, mini sausage rolls and a chocolate brownie.
Dinner: sausages in Yorkshire puddings, carrots, peas, potato and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice, 725ml in 3 mugs of full fat coke (2 300ml and 1 125ml) and a few squirts of Lucozade sport.

Today I have gone to the gym once and in it I have done a 35 minute cycle with a 7 minute cool down, cycle on the exercise bike. I have also gone out for a 1 hour 45 minute tandem cycle. Which was over the same course which took us 2 hours 20 minutes to do at the weekend. But it may have been as we were going quite a bit slower at the weekend as Mich was chatting with Emu while we were on the ride in an almost constant fashion as Mich just loves the sound of his own voice, so while we are cycling he is always prattling on about it being time for me to put down the power or it being time for me to hold-off, even every time he's cornering, and he wants the peddles the other way up, so if it's a left corner and we have the left peddle down he'll say something like "half peddle, to get around this corner", of which I do and we go round the corner.

Well the other day Allergy and I were having a conversation, of sorts, as she was saying that Pippa Middleton was on the front cover of my "DSUK yearbook 2016/17" to that I questioned which one of the 2 people that are on the cover was Pippa? To which she answered the female, and there was I looking at the picture thinking the one on the left of the front cover is in a sit-ski and she looks female, but then there was another person on the cover of who I couldn't pick up on whichever gender was he/she/it, it may have had something to do with the high probability of my specs needing stronger prescriptions and all that but never mind that. Eventually Allergy pointed me to the one that was in the sit-ski as being Pippa, but then that confused me, as why would someone that I had heard had something to do with the royal family need a sit-ski? As the only one of the royal family with what may be classed as a disability is Prince Harry, with his disability, or sorts, being that he's ginger, if you'd classify that as a disability, the disability of being pale of skin and easily burnt by the sun? Perhaps.

But then tonight on Breath of the Wild I have found 3 more Koroks, but I haven't really done much else, as of today.

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